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Benchmarking your Agent


The driving benchmark is associated with other two modules. The agent module, a controller which performs in a another module, the experiment suite. Both modules are abstract classes that must be redefined by the user.

The following code excerpt is an example of how to apply a driving benchmark

agent = ForwardAgent() 
experiment_suite = Basic()
benchmark = DrivingBenchmark() 
benchmark_summary = benchmark.benchmark_agent(experiment_suite, agent, client)

Following this excerpt, there are two classes to be defined. The ForwardAgent() and the BasicSuite(). In this tutorial we are going to show how to create a basic experiment suite and a trivial forward going agent.

Defining the Agent

The tested agent must inherit the base Agent class. Lets start by deriving a simple Forward agent.

from carla.agent.agent import Agent
from carla.client import VehicleControl

class ForwardAgent(Agent):

To have its performance evaluated, the Forward derived class must redefine the run_step function as it is done in the following excerpt:

def run_step(self, measurements, sensor_data, directions, target):
    Function to run a control step in the CARLA vehicle.
    control = VehicleControl()
    control.throttle = 0.9
    return control

This function receives the following parameters:

  • Measurements: the entire state of the world received by the client from the CARLA Simulator. These measurements contains agent position, orientation, dynamic objects information, etc.
  • Sensor Data: The measured data from defined sensors, such as Lidars or RGB cameras.
  • Directions: Information from the high level planner. Currently the planner sends a high level command from the set: STRAIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, NOTHING.
  • Target Position: The position and orientation of the target.

With all this information, the run_step function is expected to return a control message containing, steering value, throttle value, brake value, etc.

Defining the Experiment Suite

To create a Experiment Suite class you need to perform the following steps:

  • Create your custom class by inheriting the ExperimentSuite base class.
  • Define the test and train weather conditions to be used.
  • Build the Experiment objects

The defined set of experiments must derive the ExperimentSuite class as in the following code.

from carla.agent_benchmark.experiment import Experiment
from carla.sensor import Camera
from carla.settings import CarlaSettings

from .experiment_suite import ExperimentSuite

class Basic(ExperimentSuite):
Define the used weathers

The user must select the weathers to be used. One should select the set of test weathers and the set of train weathers. This is defined as a class property as in the following example.

def train_weathers(self):
    return [1]
def test_weathers(self):
    return [1]
Building Experiments

The experiments are composed by a task that is defined by a set of poses. Lets start by selecting poses for one of the cities, Town01. First of all, we need to see all the possible positions, for that, with a CARLA simulator running in a terminal, run:



Now lets choose, for instance, 105 as start position and 29 as end. This two positions can be visualized by running.

python --pos 105,29 --no-labels

Lets define two more poses, one for going straight, other one for one simple turn. Also, lets also choose three poses for Town02. Figure 3, shows these defined poses for both carla towns.


Figure 3: The poses used on this basic Experimental Suite example. Poses are a tuple of start and end position of a goal-directed episode. Start positions are shown in Blue, end positions in Red. Left: Straight poses, where the goal is just straight away from the start position. Middle: One turn episode, where the goal is one turn away from the start point. Arbitrary position, the goal is far away from the start position, usually more than one turn.

We define each of this defined poses as tasks. Plus, we also set the number of dynamic objects for each of these tasks and repeat the arbitrary position task to have it also defined with dynamic objects. This is defined in the following code excerpt:

poses_tasks = [[[36, 40]], [[138, 17]], [[105, 29]], [[105, 29]]]
vehicles_tasks = [0, 0, 0, 20]
pedestrians_tasks = [0, 0, 0, 50]

Keep in mind that a task is a set of episodes with start and end points.

Finally by using the defined tasks we can build the experiments vector as we show in the following code excerpt:

experiments_vector = []
    for weather in self.weathers:

        for iteration in range(len(poses_tasks)):
            poses = poses_tasks[iteration]
            vehicles = vehicles_tasks[iteration]
            pedestrians = pedestrians_tasks[iteration]
            conditions = CarlaSettings()
            # Add all the cameras that were set for this experiments
            experiment = Experiment()

The full code could be found at (LINK)

Expected Results

The presented example can be execute for Town01 as:

./ -c Town01

You should expect these results: town01_basic_forward_results

For Town02:

./ -c Town02

You should expect these results: town01_basic_forward_results