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C++ Reference

C++ client

The C++ client can be built with make on Linux and cmake in Windows. An C++ client example is provided in the repository in CARLA_ROOT/Examples/CppClient/main.cpp. This example shows how to connect the C++ client to the CARLA server and use the API for some simple tasks.

To build the example C++ client, open a terminal in the CARLA_ROOT/Examples/CppClient directory in the repository. Run make in this folder and then execute ./bin/cpp_client to run the example. The example will choose a random map from those available then load it. It will then spawn a vehicle and apply a control to the vehicle.

Please see the C++ client example for more details on this example script.

C++ documentation

We use Doxygen to generate the documentation of our C++ code:


The generated documentation is available at this link

!!! note Document updates are done automatically by GitHub.

Create doxygen documentation

!!! important Doxygen is required to generate the documentation and Graphviz for the graph drawing toolkit.

1- Install doxygen and graphviz with the following command:

# linux
> sudo apt-get install doxygen graphviz

2- Once installed, go to the project root folder where the Doxyfile file is situated and run the following command:

> doxygen

It will start to build the documentation webpage.
The resulting webpage can be found at Doxygen/html/

3- Open index.html in a browser. Now you have your local cpp documentation!