
242 lines
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* robot
* Copyright (c) 2013 The Hybrid Group
* Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
'use strict'
require './cylon'
require './basestar'
require './digital-pin'
namespace = require 'node-namespace'
require "./connection"
require "./device"
Async = require "async"
# A Robot is the primary interface for interacting with a collection of physical
# computing capabilities.
namespace 'Cylon', ->
class @Robot
klass = this
# Public: Creates a new Robot
# opts - object containing Robot options
# name - optional, string name of the robot
# master - Cylon.Master class that orchestrates robots
# connection/connections - object connections to connect to
# device/devices - object devices to connect to
# work - work to be performed when the Robot is started
# Returns a new Robot
# Example (CoffeeScript):
# Cylon.robot
# name: "Spherobot!"
# connection:
# name: 'sphero', adaptor: 'sphero', port: '/dev/rfcomm0'
# device:
# name: 'sphero', driver: 'sphero'
# work: (me) ->
# every 1.second(), ->
# me.sphero.roll 60, Math.floor(Math.random() * 360)
constructor: (opts = {}) ->
@robot = this
@name = or @constructor.randomName()
@master = opts.master
@connections = {}
@devices = {}
@adaptors = {}
@drivers = {}
@registerAdaptor "./loopback", "loopback"
@registerDriver "./ping", "ping"
@initConnections(opts.connection or opts.connections)
@initDevices(opts.device or opts.devices)
@work = or -> ( "No work yet")
for n, func of opts
reserved = ['connection', 'connections', 'device', 'devices', 'work']
@robot[n] = func unless n in reserved
# Public: Generates a random name for a Robot.
# Returns a string name
@randomName: ->
"Robot #{ Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000) }"
# Public: Exports basic data for the Robot
# Returns an Object containing Robot data
data: ->
name: @name
connections: ( for n, connection of @connections)
devices: ( for n, device of @devices)
# Public: Initializes all connections for the robot
# connections - connections to initialize
# Returns initialized connections
initConnections: (connections) => "Initializing connections..."
return unless connections?
connections = [].concat connections
for connection in connections "Initializing connection '#{ }'..."
connection['robot'] = this
@connections[] = new Cylon.Connection(connection)
# Public: Initializes all devices for the robot
# devices - devices to initialize
# Returns initialized devices
initDevices: (devices) => "Initializing devices..."
return unless devices?
devices = [].concat devices
for device in devices "Initializing device '#{ }'..."
device['robot'] = this
@devices[] = new Cylon.Device(device)
# Public: Starts the Robot working.
# Starts the connections, devices, and work.
# Returns the result of the work
start: =>
@startConnections =>
@robot.startDevices =>, @robot)
# Public: Starts the Robot's connections and triggers a callback
# callback - callback function to be triggered
# Returns nothing
startConnections: (callback) => "Starting connections..."
starters = {}
for n, connection of @connections
starters[n] = connection.connect
Async.parallel starters, callback
# Public: Starts the Robot's devices and triggers a callback
# callback - callback function to be triggered
# Returns nothing
startDevices: (callback) => "Starting devices..."
starters = {}
for n, device of @devices
@robot[n] = device
starters[n] = device.start
Async.parallel starters, callback
# Public: Stops the Robot working.
# Stops the devices, disconnects the connections.
# Returns nothing
stop: =>
for n, device of @devices
for n, connection of @connections
# Public: Requires a hardware adaptor and adds it to @robot.adaptors
# adaptorName - module name of adaptor to require
# connection - the Connection that requested the adaptor be required
# Returns the set-up adaptor
requireAdaptor: (adaptorName, connection, opts = {}) ->
if @robot.adaptors[adaptorName]?
if typeof @robot.adaptors[adaptorName] is 'string'
@robot.adaptors[adaptorName] = require(
name: adaptorName,
connection: connection,
extraParams: opts
@robot.adaptors[adaptorName] = require(
name: adaptorName,
connection: connection,
extraParams: opts
return @robot.adaptors[adaptorName]
# Public: Registers an Adaptor with the Robot
# moduleName - name of the Node module to require
# adaptorName - name of the adaptor to register the moduleName under
# Returns the registered module name
registerAdaptor: (moduleName, adaptorName) ->
return if @adaptors[adaptorName]?
@adaptors[adaptorName] = moduleName
# Public: Requires a hardware driver and adds it to @robot.drivers
# driverName - module name of driver to require
# connection - the Connection that requested the driver be required
# Returns the set-up driver
requireDriver: (driverName, device, opts = {}) ->
if @robot.drivers[driverName]?
if typeof @robot.drivers[driverName] is 'string'
@robot.drivers[driverName] = require(
name: driverName,
device: device,
extraParams: opts
@robot.drivers[driverName] = require(
name: driverName,
device: device,
extraParams: opts
return @robot.drivers[driverName]
# Public: Registers an Driver with the Robot
# moduleName - name of the Node module to require
# driverName - name of the driver to register the moduleName under
# Returns the registered module name
registerDriver: (moduleName, driverName) =>
return if @drivers[driverName]?
@drivers[driverName] = moduleName
module.exports = Cylon.Robot