Commit Graph

79 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
xuri bbdb83abf0
This closes #660, supports currency string, and switches argument for the number format code
- Support round millisecond for the date time
- Update built-in number formats mapping
- Update unit tests
- Upgrade dependencies package
2023-05-04 02:52:26 +00:00
xuri 7c221cf295
Ref #660, support placeholder, padding and rounds numbers by specified number format code
- Remove built-in number formats functions
- Update unit tests
- Upgrade dependencies package
2023-04-30 11:10:51 +08:00
xuri fb6ce60bd5
This closes #1523, preventing format text cell value as a numeric
- Simplify variable declaration and error return statements
- Remove the internal `xlsxTabColor` data type
- Using the `xlsxColor` data type instead of `xlsxTabColor`
- Update unit test, improve code coverage
2023-04-19 00:05:59 +08:00
xuri dc3bf331d5
Breaking change: changed the third parameter for the `AddFilter`
- Support to add multiple filter columns
- Remove the exported type `AutoFilterListOptions`
- Support to specify if show header row of the table
- Update unit tests and documents of the function
2023-03-04 00:07:04 +08:00
xuri 65a53b3ec6
Breaking changes: replace the type `ShapeParagraph` with `RichTextRun`
- This removes the `Color` field from the type `Shape`, and uses the `Fill` instead of it
- Remove sharp symbol from hex RGB color
- Update unit tests
2023-02-27 00:05:36 +08:00
xuri 917e6e19d6
This roundup time value when a millisecond great than 500 to fix the accuracy issue
- Correction example in the documentation of set cell formula
- Rename the internal function `parseOptions` to `getOptions`
- Update unit tests
2023-01-20 03:10:04 +00:00
xuri f58dabd492
Breaking change: changed the function signature for 11 exported functions
* Change
    `func (f *File) NewConditionalStyle(style string) (int, error)`
    `func (f *File) NewConditionalStyle(style *Style) (int, error)`
* Change
    `func (f *File) NewStyle(style interface{}) (int, error)`
    `func (f *File) NewStyle(style *Style) (int, error)`
* Change
    `func (f *File) AddChart(sheet, cell, opts string, combo ...string) error`
    `func (f *File) AddChart(sheet, cell string, chart *ChartOptions, combo ...*ChartOptions) error`
* Change
    `func (f *File) AddChartSheet(sheet, opts string, combo ...string) error`
    `func (f *File) AddChartSheet(sheet string, chart *ChartOptions, combo ...*ChartOptions) error`
* Change
    `func (f *File) AddShape(sheet, cell, opts string) error`
    `func (f *File) AddShape(sheet, cell string, opts *Shape) error`
* Change
    `func (f *File) AddPictureFromBytes(sheet, cell, opts, name, extension string, file []byte) error`
    `func (f *File) AddPictureFromBytes(sheet, cell, name, extension string, file []byte, opts *PictureOptions) error`
* Change
    `func (f *File) AddTable(sheet, hCell, vCell, opts string) error`
    `func (f *File) AddTable(sheet, reference string, opts *TableOptions) error`
* Change
    `func (sw *StreamWriter) AddTable(hCell, vCell, opts string) error`
    `func (sw *StreamWriter) AddTable(reference string, opts *TableOptions) error`
* Change
    `func (f *File) AutoFilter(sheet, hCell, vCell, opts string) error`
    `func (f *File) AutoFilter(sheet, reference string, opts *AutoFilterOptions) error`
* Change
    `func (f *File) SetPanes(sheet, panes string) error`
    `func (f *File) SetPanes(sheet string, panes *Panes) error`
* Change
    `func (sw *StreamWriter) AddTable(hCell, vCell, opts string) error`
    `func (sw *StreamWriter) AddTable(reference string, opts *TableOptions) error`
* Change
    `func (f *File) SetConditionalFormat(sheet, reference, opts string) error`
    `func (f *File) SetConditionalFormat(sheet, reference string, opts []ConditionalFormatOptions) error`
* Add exported types:
  * AutoFilterListOptions
  * AutoFilterOptions
  * Chart
  * ChartAxis
  * ChartDimension
  * ChartLegend
  * ChartLine
  * ChartMarker
  * ChartPlotArea
  * ChartSeries
  * ChartTitle
  * ConditionalFormatOptions
  * PaneOptions
  * Panes
  * PictureOptions
  * Shape
  * ShapeColor
  * ShapeLine
  * ShapeParagraph
  * TableOptions
* This added support for set sheet visible as very hidden
* Return error when missing required parameters for set defined name
* Update unit test and comments
2022-12-30 00:50:08 +08:00
郭伟匡 6a5ee811ba
This closes #1425, breaking changes for sheet name (#1426)
- Checking and return error for invalid sheet name instead of trim invalid characters
- Add error return for the 4 functions: `DeleteSheet`, `GetSheetIndex`, `GetSheetVisible` and `SetSheetName`
- Export new error 4 constants: `ErrSheetNameBlank`, `ErrSheetNameInvalid`, `ErrSheetNameLength` and `ErrSheetNameSingleQuote`
- Rename exported error constant `ErrExistsWorksheet` to `ErrExistsSheet`
- Update unit tests for 90 functions: `AddChart`,  `AddChartSheet`, `AddComment`, `AddDataValidation`, `AddPicture`, `AddPictureFromBytes`, `AddPivotTable`, `AddShape`, `AddSparkline`, `AddTable`, `AutoFilter`, `CalcCellValue`, `Cols`, `DeleteChart`, `DeleteComment`, `DeleteDataValidation`, `DeletePicture`, `DeleteSheet`, `DuplicateRow`, `DuplicateRowTo`, `GetCellFormula`, `GetCellHyperLink`, `GetCellRichText`, `GetCellStyle`, `GetCellType`, `GetCellValue`, `GetColOutlineLevel`, `GetCols`, `GetColStyle`, `GetColVisible`, `GetColWidth`, `GetConditionalFormats`, `GetDataValidations`, `GetMergeCells`, `GetPageLayout`, `GetPageMargins`, `GetPicture`, `GetRowHeight`, `GetRowOutlineLevel`, `GetRows`, `GetRowVisible`, `GetSheetIndex`, `GetSheetProps`, `GetSheetVisible`, `GroupSheets`, `InsertCol`, `InsertPageBreak`, `InsertRows`, `MergeCell`, `NewSheet`, `NewStreamWriter`, `ProtectSheet`, `RemoveCol`, `RemovePageBreak`, `RemoveRow`, `Rows`, `SearchSheet`, `SetCellBool`, `SetCellDefault`, `SetCellFloat`, `SetCellFormula`, `SetCellHyperLink`, `SetCellInt`, `SetCellRichText`, `SetCellStr`, `SetCellStyle`, `SetCellValue`, `SetColOutlineLevel`, `SetColStyle`, `SetColVisible`, `SetColWidth`, `SetConditionalFormat`, `SetHeaderFooter`, `SetPageLayout`, `SetPageMargins`, `SetPanes`, `SetRowHeight`, `SetRowOutlineLevel`, `SetRowStyle`, `SetRowVisible`, `SetSheetBackground`, `SetSheetBackgroundFromBytes`, `SetSheetCol`, `SetSheetName`, `SetSheetProps`, `SetSheetRow`, `SetSheetVisible`, `UnmergeCell`, `UnprotectSheet` and
- Update documentation of the set style functions

Co-authored-by: guoweikuang <>
2022-12-23 00:54:40 +08:00
xuri ac564afa56
Remove internal error log print, throw XML deserialize error 2022-11-13 00:40:04 +08:00
xuri bd5dd17673
This is a breaking change, remove partial internal error log print, throw XML deserialize error
- Add error return value for the `GetComments`, `GetDefaultFont` and `SetDefaultFont` functions
- Update unit tests
2022-11-12 00:16:23 +08:00
xuri f44153ea46
This closes #1377, stream writer writes inline string type for string cell value
- Add `CellTypeFormula`, `CellTypeInlineString`, `CellTypeSharedString` and remove `CellTypeString` in `CellType` enumeration
- Unit tests updated
2022-10-25 10:24:45 +08:00
xuri 14c6a198ce
Support get cell value which contains a date in the ISO 8601 format
- Support set and get font color with indexed color
- New export variable `IndexedColorMapping`
- Fix getting incorrect page margin settings when the margin is 0
- Update unit tests and comments typo fixes
- ref #65, new formula functions: AGGREGATE and SUBTOTAL
2022-10-24 00:52:09 +08:00
xuri 2df615fa28
This close #1373, fixes the incorrect build-in number format apply the result
- An error will be returned when setting the stream row without ascending row numbers, to avoid potential mistakes as mentioned in #1139
- Updated unit tests
2022-10-20 00:02:30 +08:00
xuri 53a495563a
This closes #1358, made a refactor with breaking changes, see details:
This made a refactor with breaking changes:

Motivation and Context

When I decided to add set horizontal centered support for this library to resolve #1358, the reason I made this huge breaking change was:

- There are too many exported types for set sheet view, properties, and format properties, although a function using the functional options pattern can be optimized by returning an anonymous function, these types or property set or get function has no binding categorization, so I change these functions like `SetAppProps` to accept a pointer of options structure.
- Users can not easily find out which properties should be in the `SetSheetPrOptions` or `SetSheetFormatPr` categories
- Nested properties cannot proceed modify easily

Introduce 5 new export data types:
`HeaderFooterOptions`, `PageLayoutMarginsOptions`, `PageLayoutOptions`, `SheetPropsOptions`, and `ViewOptions`

Rename 4 exported data types:
- Rename `PivotTableOption` to `PivotTableOptions`
- Rename `FormatHeaderFooter` to `HeaderFooterOptions`
- Rename `FormatSheetProtection` to `SheetProtectionOptions`
- Rename `SparklineOption` to `SparklineOptions`

Remove 54 exported types:
`AutoPageBreaks`, `BaseColWidth`, `BlackAndWhite`, `CodeName`, `CustomHeight`, `Date1904`, `DefaultColWidth`, `DefaultGridColor`, `DefaultRowHeight`, `EnableFormatConditionsCalculation`, `FilterPrivacy`, `FirstPageNumber`, `FitToHeight`, `FitToPage`, `FitToWidth`, `OutlineSummaryBelow`, `PageLayoutOption`, `PageLayoutOptionPtr`, `PageLayoutOrientation`, `PageLayoutPaperSize`, `PageLayoutScale`, `PageMarginBottom`, `PageMarginFooter`, `PageMarginHeader`, `PageMarginLeft`, `PageMarginRight`, `PageMarginsOptions`, `PageMarginsOptionsPtr`, `PageMarginTop`, `Published`, `RightToLeft`, `SheetFormatPrOptions`, `SheetFormatPrOptionsPtr`, `SheetPrOption`, `SheetPrOptionPtr`, `SheetViewOption`, `SheetViewOptionPtr`, `ShowFormulas`, `ShowGridLines`, `ShowRowColHeaders`, `ShowRuler`, `ShowZeros`, `TabColorIndexed`, `TabColorRGB`, `TabColorTheme`, `TabColorTint`, `ThickBottom`, `ThickTop`, `TopLeftCell`, `View`, `WorkbookPrOption`, `WorkbookPrOptionPtr`, `ZeroHeight` and `ZoomScale`

Remove 2 exported constants:
`OrientationPortrait` and `OrientationLandscape`

Change 8 functions:
- Change the `func (f *File) SetPageLayout(sheet string, opts ...PageLayoutOption) error` to `func (f *File) SetPageLayout(sheet string, opts *PageLayoutOptions) error`
- Change the `func (f *File) GetPageLayout(sheet string, opts ...PageLayoutOptionPtr) error` to `func (f *File) GetPageLayout(sheet string) (PageLayoutOptions, error)`
- Change the `func (f *File) SetPageMargins(sheet string, opts ...PageMarginsOptions) error` to `func (f *File) SetPageMargins(sheet string, opts *PageLayoutMarginsOptions) error`
- Change the `func (f *File) GetPageMargins(sheet string, opts ...PageMarginsOptionsPtr) error` to `func (f *File) GetPageMargins(sheet string) (PageLayoutMarginsOptions, error)`
- Change the `func (f *File) SetSheetViewOptions(sheet string, viewIndex int, opts ...SheetViewOption) error` to `func (f *File) SetSheetView(sheet string, viewIndex int, opts *ViewOptions) error`
- Change the `func (f *File) GetSheetViewOptions(sheet string, viewIndex int, opts ...SheetViewOptionPtr) error` to `func (f *File) GetSheetView(sheet string, viewIndex int) (ViewOptions, error)`
- Change the `func (f *File) SetWorkbookPrOptions(opts ...WorkbookPrOption) error` to `func (f *File) SetWorkbookProps(opts *WorkbookPropsOptions) error`
- Change the `func (f *File) GetWorkbookPrOptions(opts ...WorkbookPrOptionPtr) error` to `func (f *File) GetWorkbookProps() (WorkbookPropsOptions, error)`

Introduce new function to instead of existing functions:
- New function `func (f *File) SetSheetProps(sheet string, opts *SheetPropsOptions) error` instead of `func (f *File) SetSheetPrOptions(sheet string, opts ...SheetPrOption) error` and `func (f *File) SetSheetFormatPr(sheet string, opts ...SheetFormatPrOption
2022-09-29 22:04:50 +08:00
xuri efcf599dfe
This closes #1360, closes #1361
- Fix default number format parse issue with a long string of digits
- Fix creating a sheet with an empty name cause a corrupted file
- The `GetCellStyle` function no longer return master cell style of the merge cell range
- Using the specialized name in variables and functions
2022-09-28 00:04:17 +08:00
xuri 3f702999e6
Using the specialized name in a variable and making comments clear
- Add JSON tags for `AppProperties`, `PivotTableOption` and `PivotTableField` structure
2022-09-18 00:07:15 +08:00
xuri 75ce231728
This closes #1323, an error will be returned when set the not exist style ID 2022-09-01 00:41:52 +08:00
Kostya Privezentsev 18cd63a548
This is a breaking change closes #1332 (#1333)
This use `InsertRows` instead of `InsertRow`, and using `InsertCols` instead of `InsertCol`
2022-08-31 00:02:48 +08:00
davidborry bef49e40ee
This closes #1330 update non existing sheet error messages (#1331) 2022-08-28 00:16:41 +08:00
xuri 8152bbb2ce
This closes #1312, #1313, fix number format issue
- Add supported options in the docs of the functions `SetSheetPrOptions` and `GetSheetPrOptions`
- Add go1.19 unit test settings, and made the test case compatible with go1.19
- Update dependencies module
2022-08-12 00:32:51 +08:00
Thomas Charbonnel ed91cddea5
This closes #1296, add new function `GetRowOpts` for stream reader (#1297)
- Support get rows properties by `GetRowOpts` function
- New exported constant `MaxCellStyles`
2022-08-11 00:20:48 +08:00
xuri 40ed1d1b81
Fix potential file corrupted when changing cell value or the col/row
- Remove shared formula subsequent cell when setting the cell values
- Support adjust table range when removing and inserting column/row
2022-07-16 12:50:40 +08:00
xuri eed431e0fc
This closes #1219, fixes cell value reading issue, improves performance, and 1904 date system support
- Fix incorrect cell data types casting results when number formatting
- Support set cell value on 1904 date system enabled, ref #1212
- Improve performance for set sheet row and the merging cells, fix performance impact when resolving #1129
2022-05-02 12:30:18 +08:00
xuri 773d4afa32
This closes #1217, support update cell hyperlink
Ref #1129, make `SetRowStyle` overwrite style of the cells
2022-05-01 12:28:36 +08:00
xuri 56aa6b8263
ref #65, new formula functions and read boolean data type cell value support
* added 3 new formula functions: BETAINV, BETA.INV, F.INV.RT
2022-03-08 00:03:02 +08:00
xuri f0cb29cf66
This closes #1162, improve the compatibility with alternate content
Preserve alternate content in the workbook, worksheet, and drawingML
2022-03-05 14:48:34 +08:00
xuri 156bf6d16e
This closes #1129, make cell support inheritance columns/rows style
Correct cells style in merge range
Fix incorrect style ID returned on getting cell style in some cases
Unit test updated and simplified code
2022-01-27 22:37:32 +08:00
xuri 3ee3c38f9c
Fix file corrupted in some cases, check file extension and format code
Fix file corrupted when save as in XLAM / XLSM / XLTM / XLTX extension in some case
New exported error ErrWorkbookExt has been added, and check file extension on save the workbook
Format source code with `gofumpt`
2022-01-23 00:48:26 +08:00
xuri 74f6ea94ea
ref #1054, breaking change for the column and row's iterator
This removed 3 exported functions: `TotalCols`, `CurrentCol` and `CurrentRow`
2022-01-19 00:51:09 +08:00
xuri 4daa6ed0b4
Breaking change: remove `TotalRows` of row iterator and performance optimization
Reduce allocation memory 20%, and 80% GC times for the row's iterator
2022-01-17 08:05:52 +08:00
Dokiy 67127883dd
Fix adjustMergeCells not modifies cell rect (#1118) 2022-01-14 00:28:31 +08:00
xuri 2245fccca0
Typo fix, rename exported constants, dependencies modules and copyright update
Rename exported constants `NameSpaceDublinCoreMetadataIntiative` to `NameSpaceDublinCoreMetadataInitiative`
2022-01-09 00:20:42 +08:00
xuri 89b85934f6
This closes #1096, memory usage optimization and another 4 changes
- Unzip shared string table to system temporary file when large inner XML, reduce memory usage about 70%
- Remove unnecessary exported variable `XMLHeader`, we can using `encoding/xml` package's `xml.Header` instead of it
- Using constant instead of inline text for default XML path
- Rename exported option field `WorksheetUnzipMemLimit` to `UnzipXMLSizeLimit`
- Unit test and documentation updated
2021-12-27 23:49:28 +08:00
xuri 44a13aa402
Export 7 errors so users can act differently on different type of errors 2021-12-07 00:26:53 +08:00
li 60b13affbd
Support get current row/col and total rows/cols in the stream reader (#1054) 2021-11-05 00:01:34 +08:00
xuri de38402f74
This closes #1031, fix small float parsed error in some case
- new formula function: YEARFRAC, ref #65
- update the codecov version
- remove unused variable
2021-10-15 21:45:46 +08:00
xuri 790c363cce This closes #833, closes #845, and closes #1022, breaking changes
- Close spreadsheet and row's iterator required
- New options `WorksheetUnzipMemLimit` have been added
- Improve streaming reading performance, memory usage decrease about 93.7%
2021-09-19 11:06:54 +08:00
xuri 32b23ef42d
This closes #998
- Support text comparison in the formula, also ref #65
- `GetCellValue`, `GetRows`, `GetCols`, `Rows` and `Cols` support to specify read cell with raw value, ref #621
- Add missing properties for the cell formula
- Update the unit test for the `CalcCellValue`
2021-09-05 11:59:50 +08:00
xuri a55f354eb3
This closes #989, closes #990
New API: `SetRowStyle` support for set style for the rows
Update documentation for the `GetRows`, `SetCellStyle` and `SetColStyle`
2021-08-17 00:01:44 +08:00
xuri e9ae9b45b2
change go module import path to 2021-07-28 00:38:09 +08:00
xuri f62c45fe0c
This closes #848 and closes #852, fix reading decimals precision 2021-07-12 00:02:39 +08:00
xuri 544ef18a8c
- Support concurrency iterate rows and columns
- Rename exported field `File.XLSX` to `File.Pkg`
- Exported error message
2021-07-05 00:03:56 +08:00
xuri d932e62a12
This closes #855, fix missing formula cell when getting rows value 2021-06-05 00:06:14 +08:00
xuri be12cc27f1
This closes #652, new SetColWidth API, support set column width in stream writing mode, and export error message 2021-05-10 00:09:24 +08:00
xuri 30549c5e90
fix custom row height check issue 2021-02-08 18:05:15 +08:00
xuri 2fb135bc94
handle end element event in the worksheet row/column iterator XML SAX parser 2021-02-05 22:52:31 +08:00
xuri b84bd1abc0
new formula fn: IF, LEN; not equal operator support and faster numeric precision process 2021-01-27 13:51:47 +08:00
xuri 576bfffbe6 This closes #752, fix incorrectly merged cells on duplicate row, and new formula function: LOWER, PROPER, UPPER 2020-12-22 01:48:52 +00:00
xuri 2514bb16c6 Fix #724, standardize variable naming and update unit tests 2020-11-11 01:03:56 +08:00
xuri ac3dce0bea
- Resolve #711, update docs for the GetSheetIndex
- Update unit test
2020-10-12 00:05:27 +08:00