17 lines
673 B
17 lines
673 B
DESCRIPTION = "tf is a package that lets the user keep track of multiple coordinate frames over time."
SECTION = "devel"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://package.xml;beginline=21;endline=21;md5=d566ef916e9dedc494f5f793a6690ba5"
DEPENDS = "angles geometry-msgs message-filters sensor-msgs tf2-ros"
require geometry.inc
RDEPENDS_${PN} = "${PYTHON_PN}-numpy"
SRC_URI += "file://0001-cmake-remove-boost-signals-search-as-it-is-removed-s.patch;striplevel=2"
# This option disables python support in case of python3 flavour of ROS because
# only python2 is supported by tf.
EXTRA_OECMAKE =+ "${@'-DANDROID=ON' if d.getVar('PYTHON_PN', True) == 'python3' else ''}"