If you have a problem or question about using the plugin, please make sure you are using the latest version. Then create an issue in the GitHub project if necessary. New issues should include the following:
* GitLab plugin version (e.g. 1.2.0)
* GitLab version (e.g. 8.1.1)
* Jenkins version (e.g. 1.651.1)
* Relevant log output from the plugin (see below for instructions on capturing this)
Version 1.2.0 of the plugin introduced improved logging for debugging purposes. To enable it:
**Note:** GitLab version **8.0.x** is **not** supported! In this version, GitLab folded the GitLabCI functionality into core GitLab, and in doing so broke the ability for the plugin to give build status to GitLab. Jenkins build status will never work with GitLab 8.0.x!
*`/project/PROJECT_NAME/builds/COMMIT_SHA1/status.json` (used for Merge Request pages) returns build result for Merge Request build with `COMMIT_SHA1` as last commit
*`/project/PROJECT_NAME/builds/status.png?ref=BRANCH_NAME` returns build status icon for latest build for `BRANCH_NAME`
*`/project/PROJECT_NAME/builds/status.png?sha1=COMMIT_SHA1` returns build status icon for latest build for `COMMIT_SHA1` as last commit
*`/project/PROJECT_NAME/builds/COMMIT_SHA1` redirects to build page of the last build containing `COMMIT_SHA1` as last commit
Optionally, the plugin communicates with the GitLab server in order to fetch additional information. At this moment, this information is limited to fetching the source project of a Merge Request, in order to support merging from forked repositories.
To enable this functionality, a user should be set up on GitLab, with GitLab 'Developer' permissions, to access the repository. On the global configuration screen, supply the gitlab host url ``http://your.gitlab.server`` and the API token of the user of choice.
3. To be able to merge from forked repositories: <br/>**Note:** this requires [configuring communication to the GitLab server](#configuring-access-to-gitlab)
**Incompatibility note:** When upgrading to version 1.2.1 or later of the plugin, if you are using Pipeline jobs you will need to manually reconfigure your Pipeline scripts. In older versions the plugin set global Groovy variables that could be accessed as e.g. ${gitlabSourceBranch}. After version 1.2.1, these variables are only accessible in the env[] map. E.g. ${env.gitlabSourceBranch}.
1. Use the Snippet generator, General SCM step, to generate sample Groovy code for the git checkout/merge etc.
* GitLab 8.1 has implemented a commit status api. To enable add the post-build step ``Publish build status to GitLab commit (GitLab 8.1+ required)`` to the job.
* Configure access to GitLab as described above in "Configure access to GitLab" (the account needs at least developer permissions to post commit statuses)
In addition, you will need to make sure that the Git plugin has an appropriate setting for user.name and user.email in the global Jenkins configuration. This is good practice generally, but is required for forked repos to work.
1. Click on Manage Jenkins, then Configure System
2. Under the Git Plugin section, set something for 'Global Config user.name Value' and 'Global Config user.email Value'
Triggers from push events may be filtered based on the branch name, i.e. the build will only be allowed for selected branches. On the project configuration page, a list of all branches on the remote repository is displayed under ``Build when a change is pushed to GitLab.``. It is possible to select multiple branches by holding Ctrl and clicking.
This functionality requires accessing the GitLab server (see [above](#configuring-access-to-gitlab)) and for the time being also a git repository url already saved in the project configuration. In other words, when creating a new project, the configuration needs to be saved *once* before being able to select the allowed branches. For Workflow jobs, the configuration must be saved *and* the job must be run once before the list is populated. For existing projects, all branches are allowed to push by default.
Fork the repository on Github, prepare your change on your forked
copy, and submit a pull request (see [here](https://github.com/jenkinsci/gitlab-plugin/pulls) for open pull requests). Your pull request will be evaluated by the [Cloudbees Jenkins job](https://jenkins.ci.cloudbees.com/job/plugins/job/gitlab-plugin/).
If you are adding new features please make sure that they support the Jenkins Workflow Plugin.
See [here](https://github.com/jenkinsci/workflow-plugin/blob/master/COMPATIBILITY.md) for some information.
A example docker-compose file is available at `gitlab-plugin/src/docker` which allows to set up instances of the latest `GitLab` and `Jenkins` versions.
For more information on the supported `GitLab` versions and how to configure the containers, visit Sameer Naik's github page at https://github.com/sameersbn/docker-gitlab.