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;;; rosemacs.el --- Tools for ROS users
;; Copyright (c) 2008, Willow Garage, Inc.
;; All rights reserved.
;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
;; * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
;; * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
;; documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
;; * Neither the name of the Willow Garage, Inc. nor the names of its
;; contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
;; this software without specific prior written permission.
;; Author: Bhaskara Marthi
;; Keywords: tools, convenience
;;; Commentary:
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
;; Installation instructions
;; 1. Put this file somewhere (if it's not already in
;; tools/rosemacs in your ros tree)
;; 2. (Optional) From emacs do M-x byte-compile followed by
;; this file's full path
2009-09-15 08:51:16 +08:00
;; 3. Add the following lines to your .emacs
;; (add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/rosemacs")
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
;; (require 'rosemacs)
;; (invoke-rosemacs)
;; 4. Add the following line or equivalent to
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
;; .emacs to activate keyboard shortcuts for the added
2009-09-15 08:51:16 +08:00
;; commands (\C-x\C-r means control-x control-r):
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
;; (global-set-key "\C-x\C-r" ros-keymap)
;; 5. Make sure the standard ROS variables are set in the
2009-09-15 08:51:16 +08:00
;; emacs process environment. If you follow the standard
;; ROS installation instructions about sourcing .bashrc.ros
;; in your .bashrc, then this will automatically happen
;; if you launch emacs from a bash shell.
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
;; Usage
;; 0. If you did 4 above, you can type the prefix followed
;; by \C-h to see the list of added commands.
;; 1. Directory tracking and tab completion for rosbash
;; commands, including rostopic and rosnode, should now
;; work correctly in shell mode
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
;; 2. The commands {find|view}-ros-{file|message|service},
;; and view-most-recent-ros-log for navigating the ros
;; libraries are available. Tab completion should work
;; for all of them.
;; 3. The customization option ros-topic-update-interval governs
;; how frequently rosemacs polls the list of ros topics
;; and nodes. Assuming this is positive, it will enable tab
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
;; completion of ros topics in the shell and for commands
;; such as echo-ros-topic. Additionally, you can use
;; add-hz-update to define a list of topics for which the
;; hz rate is tracked in the background, viewable using
;; display-ros-topic-info.
;; 4. ros-core starts a core. ros-run runs a node. In
;; either case, an appropriately named buffer is created
;; for the new process.
;; 5. ros-launch to start a launch file in a new buffer.
;; Within that buffer, k to kill, r to relaunch.
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
;;; Code:
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(require 'shell)
(require 'cl)
(require 'warnings)
2009-12-10 02:11:20 +08:00
(require 'time-stamp)
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
;; Parameters
;; Moved to end of file
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
;; State
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(defvar ros-packages nil "Vector of ros packages")
(defvar ros-package-locations nil "Vector of directories containing the items in ros-packages")
(defvar ros-messages nil "Vector of ros messages")
(defvar ros-message-packages nil "Vector of packages corresponding to each ros message")
(defvar ros-services nil "Vector of ros services")
(defvar ros-service-packages nil "Vector of packages corresponding to each service")
(defvar ros-root (getenv "ROS_ROOT"))
2009-09-17 06:51:14 +08:00
(defvar ros-topics nil "Vector of current published ros topics")
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(defvar ros-subscribed-topics nil "Subscribed topics")
2009-09-17 06:51:14 +08:00
(defvar ros-all-topics nil "All topics (generated from published and subscribed)")
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(defvar ros-topic-hertz-processes nil "Alist from topic name to process running rostopic hz on that topic")
(defvar ros-topic-publication-rates nil "Hash table from topic name to hertz rate of that topic")
(defvar ros-topic-last-hz-rate nil "Alist from topic name to last time we saw output from rostopic hz")
2010-07-21 13:02:59 +08:00
(defvar ros-topic-buffer (get-buffer-create "*ros-topics*") "Holds the buffer *ros-topics* if it exists")
(defvar ros-events-buffer (get-buffer-create "*ros-events*"))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(defvar ros-hz-topic-regexps nil "If a topic name matches one of these, it is hz tracked")
(defvar ros-topic-timer nil "If non-nil, equals timer object used to schedule calls to rostopic list")
(defvar ros-num-publishers (make-hash-table :test 'equal) "num publishers of a topic")
(defvar ros-num-subscribers (make-hash-table :test 'equal) "num subscribers of a topic")
2010-04-21 06:28:29 +08:00
(defvar ros-find-args nil)
(defvar ros-find-args-history nil)
(defvar rosemacs/pathname nil "Will hold the path containing this file")
(defvar rosemacs/invoked t)
(defvar rosemacs/nodes nil "List of nodes")
(defvar rosemacs/nodes-vec (vector) "Vector of nodes")
2010-04-21 06:28:29 +08:00
(defvar ros-buffer-package nil "A buffer-local variable for caching the current buffer's ros package.")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'ros-buffer-package)
2010-07-21 13:02:59 +08:00
(with-current-buffer ros-topic-buffer (insert "Uninitialized (use the display-ros-topic-info command rather than just switching to this buffer)"))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
;; Preloading
(defun ros-load-package-locations ()
"Reload locations of ros packages by calling out to rospack list"
(let ((l nil))
(message "Calling rospack")
(call-process "rospack" nil t nil "list")
(goto-char (point-min))
(message "Parsing rospack output")
(let ((done nil))
;; Loop over lines; each line contains a package and directory
(while (not done)
(let ((p (point)))
;; Search for string terminated by space
(setq done (not (re-search-forward "[[:space:]]" (point-max) t)))
(unless done
(let ((package (buffer-substring p (1- (point)))))
(setq p (point))
;; Search for following string terminated by newline
(re-search-forward "\n")
(let ((dir (buffer-substring p (1- (point)))))
(push (cons package dir) l)))))))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(let ((package-alist (sort* (vconcat l) (lambda (pair1 pair2) (string< (car pair1) (car pair2))))))
(setq ros-packages (map 'vector #'car package-alist)
ros-package-locations (map 'vector #'cdr package-alist)
ros-messages nil
ros-message-packages nil
ros-services nil
ros-service-packages nil))
(message "Done loading ROS package info"))))
(defun ros-files-in-package (dir ext &optional subdir)
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
"Return list of files in subdirectory ext/ of dir whose extension is .ext"
(let ((l nil)
(done nil)
(p nil))
(call-process "ls" nil t nil (concat dir "/" (or subdir ext) "/"))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (not done)
(setq p (point))
(setq done (not (re-search-forward "\\([^[:space:]]+\\)[[:space:]]+" (point-max) t)))
(unless done
(let ((str (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))
(let ((m (string-match (concat "\." ext "$") str)))
(when m
(push (substring str 0 m) l))))))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(defun all-files-in-packages (ext)
"Look in each package for files with a extension .ext in subdirectory ext/"
(unless ros-package-locations
(let ((l nil))
(dotimes-with-progress-reporter (i (length ros-package-locations)) (concat "Caching locations of ." ext " files: ")
(let ((package (aref ros-packages i))
(dir (aref ros-package-locations i)))
(dolist (m (ros-files-in-package dir ext))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(push (cons m package) l))))
(sort* (vconcat l) (lambda (pair1 pair2) (string< (car pair1) (car pair2))))))
(defun cache-ros-message-locations ()
"Look in each package directory for .msg files"
(let ((v (all-files-in-packages "msg")))
(setq ros-messages (map 'vector #'car v)
ros-message-packages (map 'vector #'cdr v))))
(defun cache-ros-service-locations ()
"Look in each package directory for .srv files"
(let ((v (all-files-in-packages "srv")))
(setq ros-services (map 'vector #'car v)
ros-service-packages (map 'vector #'cdr v))))
(defun get-rosemacs-path ()
(message load-file-name)
(let ((ind (string-match "\\(.*\\)rosemacs.el$" load-file-name)))
(if (not ind)
(warn "Could not determine rosemacs path")
(match-string 1 load-file-name))))
(setq rosemacs/pathname (get-rosemacs-path))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
;; Lookup
(defun ros-package-dir (package)
(unless ros-package-locations
2009-12-10 02:11:20 +08:00
(rosemacs-lookup-vectors package ros-packages ros-package-locations))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(defun ros-message-package (m)
(unless ros-message-packages
2009-12-10 02:11:20 +08:00
(rosemacs-lookup-vectors m ros-messages ros-message-packages))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(defun ros-service-package (m)
(unless ros-service-packages
2009-12-10 02:11:20 +08:00
(rosemacs-lookup-vectors m ros-services ros-service-packages))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
2010-07-03 02:23:00 +08:00
(defun ros-package-for-path (path &optional allow-nonexistent)
(let ((path (cond ((file-directory-p path)
(directory-file-name path))
2010-07-03 02:23:00 +08:00
((or (file-exists-p path) allow-nonexistent)
(directory-file-name (file-name-directory path)))
(t nil))))
(catch 'done
(while (and path (not (equal path "/")))
(let ((files (directory-files path)))
(if (member "manifest.xml" files)
(throw 'done (file-name-nondirectory path))
(setf path (directory-file-name (file-name-directory path)))))))))
2010-07-03 02:23:00 +08:00
(defun ros-package-for-buffer (buffer &optional allow-nonexistent)
(let ((fn (buffer-file-name buffer)))
(when fn
2010-07-03 02:23:00 +08:00
(ros-package-for-path fn allow-nonexistent))))
(defun get-buffer-ros-package ()
(or ros-buffer-package
(setq ros-buffer-package (ros-package-for-buffer (current-buffer)))))
(defun ros-current-pkg-modeline-entry ()
(let ((pkg (or ros-buffer-package (ros-package-for-buffer (current-buffer)))))
(unless ros-buffer-package
(if pkg
(setf ros-buffer-package pkg)
(setf ros-buffer-package :none)))
(if (and pkg (not (eq pkg :none)))
(format "(ROS Pkg: %s)" pkg)
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(defun parse-ros-file-prefix (str)
"Divide something of the form PACKAGE/DIRS/FILE-PREFIX into its three pieces. Or, if it's just a package prefix, return just that."
(if (string-match "\\([^/]+\\)\\(/.*\\)" str)
(let ((package (match-string 1 str))
(path (match-string 2 str)))
(if (string-match "\\(/.*/\\)\\([^/]*\\)" path)
(values package (match-string 1 path) (match-string 2 path))
(values package "/" (substring path 1))))
(values str nil nil)))
;; Completion
2009-12-10 02:11:20 +08:00
(setq topic-completor (dynamic-completion-table (lambda (str) (rosemacs-bsearch str ros-all-topics))))
(setq node-completor (dynamic-completion-table (lambda (str) (rosemacs-bsearch str rosemacs/nodes-vec))))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(setq ros-package-completor
;; Longer because it has to deal with the case of PACKAGE/PATH-PREFIX in addition to PACKAGE-PREFIX
(lambda (str)
(unless ros-packages (ros-load-package-locations))
(multiple-value-bind (package dir-prefix dir-suffix) (parse-ros-file-prefix str)
(if dir-prefix
(let ((dir (concat (ros-package-dir package) dir-prefix)))
(let* ((files (directory-files dir nil (concat "^" dir-suffix)))
(comps (all-completions dir-suffix files)))
(mapcar (lambda (comp) (concat package dir-prefix comp)) comps)))
2009-12-10 02:11:20 +08:00
(rosemacs-bsearch package ros-packages))))))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(defun comint-dynamic-complete-ros-package ()
;; Like the above, except in the shell
(unless ros-packages (ros-load-package-locations))
(let ((prefix (comint-get-ros-package-prefix)))
(when prefix
(multiple-value-bind (package dir-prefix dir-suffix) (parse-ros-file-prefix prefix)
(if dir-prefix
(let ((dir (concat (ros-package-dir package) dir-prefix)))
(let ((completions (all-completions dir-suffix (directory-files dir nil (concat "^" dir-suffix)))))
(comint-dynamic-simple-complete dir-suffix completions)
(skip-syntax-backward " ")))
(comint-dynamic-simple-complete prefix (all-completions prefix ros-package-completor))
(skip-syntax-backward " ")))))))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(defun comint-dynamic-complete-ros-topic ()
(let ((prefix (comint-get-ros-topic-prefix)))
(when prefix
(comint-dynamic-simple-complete prefix (all-completions prefix topic-completor))
(skip-syntax-backward " "))))
(defun comint-dynamic-complete-ros-node ()
(let ((prefix (comint-get-ros-node-prefix)))
(when prefix
(comint-dynamic-simple-complete prefix (all-completions prefix node-completor))
(skip-syntax-backward " "))))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(defun ros-completing-read-package (&optional prompt default completion-function)
(unless ros-packages
(let ((completion-function (or completion-function ros-completion-function))
(prompt (concat (or prompt "Enter package")
(if default
(format " (default `%s'): " default)
": "))))
(funcall completion-function
prompt (map 'list (lambda (x)
(cons x nil))
nil nil nil nil default)))
(defun ros-completing-read-pkg-file (prompt &optional default-pkg)
(if (eq ros-completion-function 'ido-completing-read)
(ros-ido-completing-read-pkg-file prompt default-pkg)
(funcall ros-completion-function prompt ros-package-completor nil nil default-pkg)))
;; Ido completion
(defun ros-ido-completing-read-pkg-file (prompt &optional default-pkg)
(unless ros-packages
(let ((old-ido-make-file-list (symbol-function 'ido-make-file-list-1))
(ros-packages-list (map 'list #'identity ros-packages)))
(flet ((pkg-expr->path (str)
(let ((pkg-name (second (split-string str "/"))))
(unless (= (length pkg-name) 0)
(concat (ros-package-dir pkg-name)
(substring str (string-match "/" str 1)))))))
(flet ((ido-make-file-list-1 (dir)
(let ((path (pkg-expr->path dir)))
(if path
(funcall old-ido-make-file-list path)
(mapcar (lambda (pkg) (concat pkg "/")) ros-packages-list)))))
(substring (ido-read-file-name prompt "/"
(when (member default-pkg ros-packages-list)
(defun ros-completing-read-message (prompt &optional default)
(unless ros-messages
(let* ((ros-messages-list (map 'list 'identity ros-messages))
(result (funcall ros-completion-function prompt
(map 'list (lambda (m pkg)
(cons (if (> (count m ros-messages-list :test 'equal) 1)
(format "%s (%s)" m pkg)
ros-messages-list ros-message-packages)
nil nil nil nil (when (member default ros-messages-list)
(ws-pos (position ?\s result))
(message (substring result 0 ws-pos))
(package (when ws-pos
(let ((package-str (substring result ws-pos)))
(substring package-str 2 (- (length package-str) 1))))))
(if package
(concatenate 'string package "/" message)
(defun ros-completing-read-service (prompt &optional default)
(unless ros-services
(let* ((ros-services-list (map 'list 'identity ros-services))
(result (funcall ros-completion-function prompt
(map 'list (lambda (m pkg)
(cons (if (> (count m ros-services-list :test 'equal) 1)
(format "%s (%s)" m pkg)
ros-services-list ros-service-packages)
nil nil nil nil (when (member default ros-services-list)
(ws-pos (position ?\s result))
(service (substring result 0 ws-pos))
(package (when ws-pos
(let ((package-str (substring result ws-pos)))
(substring package-str 2 (- (length package-str) 1))))))
(if package
(concatenate 'string package "/" service)
(defun ros-completing-read-topic (prompt &optional default)
(funcall ros-completion-function prompt (map 'list (lambda (m)
(cons m nil))
nil nil nil nil (when (member default (map 'list 'identity ros-all-topics))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
;; Navigation commands
(defun find-ros-file (package-name &optional dont-reload)
"Open up the directory corresponding to PACKAGE-NAME in dired mode. If used interactively, tab completion will work."
(interactive (list (ros-completing-read-pkg-file "Enter ros path: ") nil))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(multiple-value-bind (package dir-prefix dir-suffix) (parse-ros-file-prefix package-name)
(let* ((package-dir (ros-package-dir package))
(path (if dir-prefix (concat package-dir dir-prefix dir-suffix) package-dir)))
(if path
(find-file path)
(if dont-reload
(error "Did not find %s in the ros package list." package-name)
(lwarn '(rosemacs) :debug "Did not find %s. Reloading ros package list and trying again..." package-name)
(find-ros-file package-name t)))))))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(defun view-ros-file (ros-file-name &optional dont-reload)
"View (open in read-only mode with simpler editing commands — see emacs help) the file corresponding to ROS-FILE-NAME (in form packagename/filename). If used interactively, tab completion will work."
(interactive (list (ros-completing-read-pkg-file "Enter ros path: ") nil))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(multiple-value-bind (package dir-prefix dir-suffix) (parse-ros-file-prefix ros-file-name)
(let* ((package-dir (ros-package-dir package))
(path (if dir-prefix (concat package-dir dir-prefix dir-suffix) package-dir)))
(if path
(view-file-other-window path)
(if dont-reload
(error "Did not find %s in the ros package list." ros-file-name)
(lwarn '(rosemacs) :debug "Did not find %s. Reloading ros package list and trying again..." ros-file-name)
(view-ros-file ros-file-name t)))))))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(defun find-ros-message (message)
"Open definition of a ros message. If used interactively, tab completion will work."
(interactive (list (ros-completing-read-message
(if (current-word t t)
(format "Enter message name (default %s): " (current-word t t))
"Enter message name: ")
(current-word t t))))
(let* ((p+m (split-string message "/"))
(p (if (cdr p+m)
(car p+m)
(ros-message-package message)))
(m (car (last p+m))))
(unless p
(error "Could not find package for message %s" message))
(let ((dir (ros-package-dir p)))
(unless dir
(error "Could not find directory corresponding to package %s" p))
(find-file (concat dir "/msg/" m ".msg")))))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(defun find-ros-service (service)
"Open definition of a ros service. If used interactively, tab completion will work."
(interactive (list (ros-completing-read-service
(if (current-word t t)
(format "Enter service name (default %s): " (current-word t t))
"Enter service name: ")
(current-word t t))))
(let* ((p+m (split-string service "/"))
(p (if (cdr p+m)
(car p+m)
(ros-service-package service)))
(m (car (last p+m))))
(unless p
(error "Could not find package for service %s" service))
(let ((dir (ros-package-dir p)))
(unless dir
(error "Could not find directory corresponding to package %s" p))
(find-file (concat dir "/srv/" m ".srv")))))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
2009-12-10 02:11:20 +08:00
;; (defun view-ros-message (message)
;; "Open definition of a ros message in view mode. If used interactively, tab completion will work."
;; (interactive (list (completing-read
;; (if (current-word t t)
;; (format "Enter message name (default %s): " (current-word t t))
;; "Enter message name: ")
;; message-completor nil nil nil nil (current-word t t))))
;; (let ((p (ros-message-package message)))
;; (if p
;; (let ((dir (ros-package-dir p)))
;; (if dir
;; (view-file-other-window (concat dir "/msg/" message ".msg"))
;; (error "Could not find directory corresponding to package %s" p)))
;; (error "Could not find package for message %s" message))))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(defun view-ros-message (message)
"Open definition of a ros message in view mode. If used interactively, tab completion will work."
(interactive (list (ros-completing-read-message
(if (current-word t t)
(format "Enter message name (default %s): " (current-word t t))
"Enter message name: ")
(current-word t t))))
(shell-command (format "rosmsg show %s" message)))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(defun view-ros-service (service)
"Open definition of a ros service in view mode. If used interactively, tab completion will work."
(interactive (list (ros-completing-read-service
(if (current-word t t)
(format "Enter service name (default %s): " (current-word t t))
"Enter service name: ")
(current-word t t))))
(shell-command (format "rossrv show %s" service)))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(defun ros-rgrep-package (ros-pkg regexp files)
"Run a recursive grep in `ros-pkg', with `regexp' as search
pattern and `files' as file pattern. This function is similar to
RGREP but with a ros package instead of a directory as
(interactive (progn (grep-compute-defaults)
(let ((package (ros-completing-read-package
nil (get-buffer-ros-package)))
(regexp (grep-read-regexp)))
(grep-read-files regexp)))))
(rgrep regexp files (ros-package-path ros-pkg)))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(defun ros-find-dired (ros-pkg args)
"Run find in ros package `ros-pkg' with arguments `args' and
load the result in a dired buffer. This function is similar to
FIND-DIRED but with a ros package instead of a directory as
(interactive (list (ros-completing-read-package
nil (get-buffer-ros-package))
(read-string "Run find (within args): " ros-find-args
'(ros-find-args-history . 1))))
(find-dired (ros-package-path ros-pkg) args))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
;; Core
(defun ros-core ()
(if (get-buffer "*roscore*")
(switch-to-buffer (get-buffer "*roscore*"))
(progn (start-process "roscore" (get-buffer-create "*roscore*") "roscore")
(message "roscore started"))))
(defun ros-set-master-uri (host port)
"Set the master uri used by other commands (e.g. rostopic)"
(interactive "sEnter master uri host: \nnEnter master uri port: ")
(let ((uri (format "http://%s:%d" host port)))
(setenv "ROS_MASTER_URI" uri)
(message "Set ROS_MASTER_URI to %s" uri)))
;; rosnode
(defun rosemacs/parse-node-list (start finish)
(lwarn '(rosemacs) :debug "Parsing node list")
(goto-char start)
(let ((current-nodes nil))
(while (re-search-forward "^\\/\\(.*\\)$" nil t)
(when (> (match-end 0) finish)
(push (match-string 1) current-nodes))
(let ((sorted-nodes (sort* current-nodes 'string<)))
(destructuring-bind (added deleted)
(rosemacs-list-diffs rosemacs/nodes sorted-nodes)
(setq rosemacs/nodes sorted-nodes
rosemacs/nodes-vec (vconcat rosemacs/nodes))
(set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*ros-nodes*"))
(dolist (n rosemacs/nodes)
(insert n)
(insert "\n")))
(when added
(lwarn '(rosemacs) :debug "New nodes: %s" added)
(rosemacs/add-event (format "New nodes: %s" added)))
(let ((l (length deleted)))
(when (> l 0)
(if (= l 1)
(rosemacs/add-event (format "Ros node %s exited" (first deleted)) t)
(rosemacs/add-event (format "%s ros nodes exited: %s" l deleted) t))))))))
(defun rosemacs/rosnode-filter (proc str)
(with-current-buffer (process-buffer proc)
(goto-char (point-max))
(insert str)
(let ((found-start (re-search-backward "BEGIN ROSNODE LIST$" nil t)))
(if found-start
(let* ((start-pt (match-end 0))
(found-finish (re-search-forward "END ROSNODE LIST$" nil t)))
(when found-finish
(rosemacs/parse-node-list start-pt (match-beginning 0))
(delete-region (point-min) (match-end 0))))))
(defun rosemacs/track-nodes (interval)
(interactive "nEnter rosnode update interval in seconds (0 to stop tracking)")
(let ((name "*rosnode-tracker*"))
(let ((old-proc (get-process name)))
(when old-proc
(message "Cancelling existing rosnode tracker")
;; doesn't seem to respond to sigint reliably
(delete-process old-proc))
(when (> interval 0)
(let ((proc (start-process name name (concat rosemacs/pathname "poll-rosnode") (format "%s" interval))))
(set-process-query-on-exit-flag proc nil)
(set-process-filter proc 'rosemacs/rosnode-filter)))
(defun rosemacs/display-nodes ()
(display-buffer "*ros-nodes*"))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
;; rostopic
(defun rosemacs-topic-filter (proc str)
(with-current-buffer (process-buffer proc)
(goto-char (point-max))
(insert str)
(let ((found-start (re-search-backward "BEGIN ROSTOPIC LIST$" nil t)))
(if found-start
(let* ((start-point (match-end 0))
(found-finish (re-search-forward "END ROSTOPIC LIST" nil t)))
(if found-finish
(let ((finish-pt (match-beginning 0)))
(rosemacs/parse-topic-list start-point finish-pt)
(delete-region (point-min) finish-pt))
(defun rosemacs/track-topics (interval)
(interactive "nEnter rostopic update interval in seconds (0 to stop tracking).")
(let ((name "*rostopic-tracker*"))
(let ((old-proc (get-process name)))
(when old-proc
(message "Cancelling existing rostopic tracker")
(delete-process old-proc)
(when (> interval 0)
(let ((proc (start-process name name (concat rosemacs/pathname "poll-rostopic") (format "%s" interval))))
(set-process-query-on-exit-flag proc nil)
2010-07-21 13:02:59 +08:00
(set-process-filter proc 'rosemacs-topic-filter))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(defun display-ros-topic-info ()
"Display current ros topic info in *ros-topics* buffer"
(let ((buf (get-buffer "*ros-topics*")))
(if buf
(switch-to-buffer buf)
(setq ros-topic-buffer (get-buffer-create "*ros-topics*"))
(switch-to-buffer ros-topic-buffer)
2010-07-08 14:20:27 +08:00
(ros-topic-list-mode 1)))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(defun add-hz-update (topic-regexp)
(interactive (list (ros-completing-read-topic "Enter topic name or regexp to track: ")))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(push topic-regexp ros-hz-topic-regexps)
(dolist (topic ros-topics)
(when (string-match topic-regexp topic)
(unless (assoc topic ros-topic-last-hz-rate)
(start-hz-tracker topic)))))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(defun remove-hz-update (topic-regexp)
(interactive (list (funcall ros-completion-function "Enter regexp to stop tracking: " ros-hz-topic-regexps)))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(setq ros-hz-topic-regexps (delete topic-regexp ros-hz-topic-regexps))
(dolist (pair ros-topic-last-hz-rate)
(let ((topic (car pair)))
(when (string-match topic-regexp topic)
(stop-hz-tracker topic)))))
(defun echo-ros-topic (topic)
"Create a new buffer in which rostopic echo is done on the given topic (read interactively, with tab-completion)"
(interactive (list (let ((word (current-word)))
(if word
(format "Enter topic name (default %s): " word)
"Enter topic name: ")
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(let* ((topic-full-name (if (string-match "^/" topic) topic (concat "/" topic)))
(buffer-name (concat "*rostopic:" topic-full-name "*"))
(process (start-process buffer-name buffer-name "rostopic" "echo" topic-full-name)))
(view-buffer-other-window (process-buffer process))
2010-07-08 14:20:27 +08:00
(ros-topic-echo-mode 1)))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
2009-09-17 06:51:14 +08:00
(defun ros-topic-info (topic)
"Print info about topic, using rostopic info"
2009-09-17 06:51:14 +08:00
(interactive (list (let ((word (current-word)))
(if word
(format "Enter topic name (default %s): " word)
"Enter topic name: ")
2009-09-17 06:51:14 +08:00
(let* ((topic-full-name (if (string-match "^/" topic) topic (concat "/" topic)))
(buffer-name (format "*rostopic-info:%s" topic))
(buf (get-buffer-create buffer-name)))
(with-current-buffer buf
(let ((buffer-read-only nil))
(view-buffer-other-window buf)
(call-process "rostopic" nil buf t "info" topic-full-name)))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(defun rosemacs/interrupt-process ()
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(defun kill-current-buffer ()
(let ((process (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))
2009-12-10 02:11:20 +08:00
(when (and process (eq (process-status process) 'run))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(kill-buffer nil))
(defvar ros-topic-echo-keymap (make-sparse-keymap))
(define-key ros-topic-echo-keymap "k" 'rosemacs/interrupt-process)
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(define-key ros-topic-echo-keymap "q" 'kill-current-buffer)
(define-minor-mode ros-topic-echo-mode
"Mode used for rostopic echo.
k kills the process (sends SIGINT).
q kills the buffer and process"
:init-value nil
:lighter " ros-topic-echo"
:keymap ros-topic-echo-keymap
(message "ros-topic-echo-mode: k to stop, q to quit"))
(defvar ros-topic-list-keymap (make-sparse-keymap))
(define-key ros-topic-list-keymap [?q] 'kill-current-buffer)
(define-key ros-topic-list-keymap [?\r] 'echo-current-topic)
(define-key ros-topic-list-keymap [?h] 'hz-current-topic)
(define-key ros-topic-list-keymap [?H] 'unhz-current-topic)
2009-09-17 06:51:14 +08:00
(define-key ros-topic-list-keymap [?i] 'ros-topic-info)
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(defun hz-current-topic ()
(add-hz-update (ros-emacs-current-word)))
(defun unhz-current-topic ()
(remove-hz-update (ros-emacs-current-word)))
(defun echo-current-topic ()
(echo-ros-topic (ros-emacs-current-word)))
(define-minor-mode ros-topic-list-mode
"Mode used for *ros-topics* buffer
q kills buffer"
:init-value nil
:keymap ros-topic-list-keymap
(message "ros-topic-mode: enter to echo, h/H to start/stop hertz tracking, q to quit"))
(defun update-ros-topic-buffer ()
"Use the current value of ros-topic related variables to reset the contents of the *ros-topics* buffer"
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(when (and ros-topic-buffer (get-buffer-window ros-topic-buffer))
(if (equal (current-buffer) ros-topic-buffer)
(let ((old-point (point)))
(goto-char (min (point-max) old-point)))
2009-12-10 02:11:20 +08:00
(defun ros-topic-get-stamp-string ()
(goto-char (point-min))
(let ((pos (re-search-forward "^\\(Last updated.*\\)$" nil t)))
(if pos
(match-string 1)
"Last updated: <>")))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(defun update-ros-topic-buffer-helper ()
(set-buffer ros-topic-buffer)
2009-12-10 02:11:20 +08:00
(let ((old-stamp (ros-topic-get-stamp-string)))
(princ (format "Master uri: %s\n" (getenv "ROS_MASTER_URI")) ros-topic-buffer)
(princ old-stamp ros-topic-buffer))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(when ros-topic-publication-rates
(princ (format "\nHz-tracked topics:\n") ros-topic-buffer)
(dolist (topic ros-topics)
(let ((rate-pair (assoc topic ros-topic-publication-rates)))
(when rate-pair
(let ((rate (cdr rate-pair))
(diff (- (second (current-time)) (or (cdr (assoc topic ros-topic-last-hz-rate)) 0.0))))
(if rate
(if (> diff ros-topic-timeout-rate)
(princ (format " %s : %s (as of %s seconds ago)" topic rate diff) ros-topic-buffer)
(princ (format " %s : %s" topic rate) ros-topic-buffer))
(princ (format " %s : not yet known" topic) ros-topic-buffer)))
(terpri ros-topic-buffer))))
(terpri ros-topic-buffer))
(princ (format "\nTopic, #pubs, #subs\n\n") ros-topic-buffer)
2009-12-10 02:11:20 +08:00
2009-09-17 06:51:14 +08:00
(dotimes (i (length ros-all-topics))
(let ((topic (aref ros-all-topics i)))
(princ (format " %s %s %s" topic (gethash topic ros-num-publishers 0) (gethash topic ros-num-subscribers 0)) ros-topic-buffer)
(terpri ros-topic-buffer))))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(defun rosemacs/get-topics (start end h)
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(let ((done nil) (current-topics nil))
(goto-char start)
(while (not done)
(let ((pos (re-search-forward "^\\s-*\\*\\s-*\\(\\S-*\\) \\[.*\\] \\(\\S-*\\)" end t)))
(if pos
(let ((topic (match-string 1)))
(push topic current-topics)
(setf (gethash topic h) (match-string 2)))
(setq done t))))
(sort* current-topics 'string<)))
(defun rosemacs/parse-topic-list (start finish)
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(lwarn '(rosemacs) :debug "Parsing rostopic list")
(goto-char start)
(let ((pub-start (re-search-forward "Published topics:" nil t))
(sub-start (or (re-search-forward "Subscribed topics:" nil t) (point-max))))
(if (and pub-start sub-start)
(let ((new-published-topics (rosemacs/get-topics pub-start sub-start ros-num-publishers)))
(setq ros-subscribed-topics (rosemacs/get-topics sub-start (point-max) ros-num-subscribers))
(destructuring-bind (added deleted) (rosemacs-list-diffs ros-topics new-published-topics)
(lwarn '(rosemacs) :debug "added topics : %s" added)
(dolist (topic added)
(add-ros-topic topic))
(dolist (topic deleted)
(remove-ros-topic topic))))
(lwarn '(rosemacs) :debug "rostopic output did not look as expected; could just be that the master is not up.")))
(lwarn '(rosemacs) :debug "Done parsing rostopic list")
(setq ros-all-topics
(sort* (remove-duplicates (vconcat ros-topics ros-subscribed-topics) :test 'equal) 'string<))
;; update display
(when ros-topic-buffer
(set-buffer ros-topic-buffer)
(let ((time-stamp-pattern "5/^Last updated: <%02H:%02M:%02S"))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(defun remove-ros-topic (topic)
"Remove this topic and all associated entries from topic list, completion list, hertz processes, publication rates"
(lwarn '(rosemacs) :debug "removing ros topic %s" topic)
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(stop-hz-tracker topic)
(setq ros-topics (delete topic ros-topics))
(defun stop-hz-tracker (topic)
(let ((pair (assoc topic ros-topic-hertz-processes)))
(when pair (kill-buffer (process-buffer (cdr pair)))))
(setq ros-topic-hertz-processes (delete-if (lambda (pair) (equal (car pair) topic)) ros-topic-hertz-processes)
ros-topic-publication-rates (delete-if (lambda (pair) (equal (car pair) topic)) ros-topic-publication-rates)
ros-topic-last-hz-rate (delete-if (lambda (pair) (equal (car pair) topic)) ros-topic-last-hz-rate)))
(defun set-ros-topic-hz (topic rate)
"Set hertz rate of topic. Also, update the last-published-hertz-rate timestamp of the topic"
(let ((rate-pair (assoc topic ros-topic-publication-rates)))
(if rate-pair
(setf (cdr rate-pair) rate)
(push (cons topic rate) ros-topic-publication-rates)))
(let ((last-time-pair (assoc topic ros-topic-last-hz-rate))
(time-in-seconds (second (current-time))))
(if last-time-pair
(setf (cdr last-time-pair) time-in-seconds)
(push (cons topic time-in-seconds) ros-topic-last-hz-rate)))
(lwarn '(rosemacs) :debug "Updated hz for topic %s" topic))
(defun ros-topic-hz-filter (proc string)
"Given the hertz process and string containing output from it, update the entry for the corresponding topic's publication rate"
(let ((pair (rassoc proc ros-topic-hertz-processes)))
(if pair
(let ((hz (ros-topic-extract-hz string))
(topic (car pair)))
((eql hz 'not-published) (remove-ros-topic topic))
(hz (set-ros-topic-hz topic hz))))
(lwarn '(rosemacs) :warning "Unexpectedly could not find topic corresponding to process %s" (process-name proc)))))
(defun ros-topic-extract-hz (string)
"Given a string, if it contains something that looks like a hz reading, return the first such one, else if it contains error, return the string error, else if not published yet, return the number -1, else return nil"
;; This will not work well if the process filter ends up being called too frequently, in which case no one call will match the regexp.
;; Empirically, that does not seem to happen.
(let ((case-fold-search t))
((string-match "error" string) "error")
((string-match "average rate: \\([0-9]+\\.[0-9]*\\)" string) (match-string 1 string))
((string-match "does not appear to be published yet" string) 'not-published))))
(defun start-hz-tracker (topic)
(let* ((name (concat "rostopic-hz-" topic))
(proc (start-process name name "rostopic" "hz" topic)))
(push (list topic) ros-topic-last-hz-rate)
(push (list topic) ros-topic-publication-rates)
(let ((old-proc-pair (assoc topic ros-topic-hertz-processes)))
(if old-proc-pair
(kill-buffer (process-buffer (cdr old-proc-pair)))
(setf (cdr old-proc-pair) proc))
(push (cons topic proc) ros-topic-hertz-processes)))
(set-process-filter proc 'ros-topic-hz-filter)))
(defun satisfies-hz-regexps (topic)
(some (lambda (regexp) (string-match regexp topic)) ros-hz-topic-regexps))
(defun add-ros-topic (topic)
"Post: topic is added to the list of topics and related bookkeeping done: list of completions is regenerated, hertz process is started and added to list, publication-rate entry is added to list"
(let ((pair (assoc topic ros-topic-publication-rates)))
(when pair (setq ros-topic-publication-rates (delete pair ros-topic-publication-rates))))
(when (satisfies-hz-regexps topic)
(start-hz-tracker topic))
(push topic ros-topics)
(setq ros-topics (sort* ros-topics 'string<))
2009-09-17 06:51:14 +08:00
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
;; Shell mode
(defun ros-directory-tracker (str)
"Keep buffer current directory up-to-date in the presence of roscd. This is analogous to shell-directory-tracker in shell.el though not as thorough about special cases. It will not work with variable substitution, any sort of program control, etc - only for simple commands and pipelines of the same. If it gets confused, do M-x shell-resync-dirs."
;; Might be simpler to just call shell-resync-dirs at some point
;; skip whitespace
(let ((start (progn (string-match
(concat "^" shell-command-separator-regexp) str)
(match-end 0)))
end cmd arg1)
(while (string-match shell-command-regexp str start)
(setq end (match-end 0)
cmd (comint-arguments (substring str start end) 0 0)
arg1 (comint-arguments (substring str start end) 1 1))
(when arg1 (setq arg1 (shell-unquote-argument arg1)))
(cond ((string-match "^ros[cp]d\\([[:space:]]\\|$\\)" cmd)
(if (string-match "\\([^/]*\\)/\\(.*\\)" arg1)
(let ((package (match-string 1 arg1))
(subdir (match-string 2 arg1)))
(message "Package is %s, subdir is %s" package subdir)
(let ((dir (ros-package-dir package)))
(if dir
(shell-process-cd (concat dir "/" subdir))
(lwarn '(rosemacs) :debug "Unable to find directory of ros package %s." arg1))))
(let ((dir (ros-package-dir arg1)))
(if dir
(shell-process-cd dir)
(lwarn '(rosemacs) :debug "Unable to find directory of ros package %s." arg1))))))
;; TODO deal with popd
(setq start (progn (string-match shell-command-separator-regexp str end)
(match-end 0))))))
(defun ros-emacs-current-word ()
(skip-syntax-backward "w_.()")
(let ((start (point)))
(skip-syntax-forward "w_.()")
(buffer-substring-no-properties start (point)))))
(defun ros-emacs-last-word ()
(let ((end (point)))
(skip-syntax-backward "w_.()")
(buffer-substring-no-properties (point) end)))
2009-09-17 06:51:14 +08:00
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(defvar *ros-commands-starting-with-package* '("roscd" "rosmake" "rosrun" "rospd"))
(defun comint-get-ros-package-prefix ()
(ros-command-prefix *ros-commands-starting-with-package*))
(defun ros-command-prefix (commands)
(block match-block
(let ((arg (ros-emacs-last-word)))
(skip-syntax-backward " ")
(dolist (cmd commands nil)
(when (string-equal cmd (buffer-substring-no-properties (- (point) (length cmd)) (point)))
(return-from match-block arg)))))))
(defun comint-get-ros-topic-prefix ()
(let ((arg (ros-emacs-last-word)))
(skip-syntax-backward " ")
(skip-syntax-backward " ")
(let ((start (- (point) 8)))
(when (and (>= start 0) (string-equal "rostopic" (buffer-substring-no-properties start (point))))
(defun comint-get-ros-node-prefix ()
(let ((arg (ros-emacs-last-word)))
(skip-syntax-backward " ")
(skip-syntax-backward " ")
(let ((start (- (point) 7)))
(when (and (>= start 0) (string-equal "rosnode" (buffer-substring-no-properties start (point))))
2009-12-10 02:11:20 +08:00
;; rosrun
(defvar ros-run-temp-var "")
(defvar ros-run-exec-names nil)
(defun extract-exec-name (path)
(string-match "\\([^\/]+\\)$" path)
(match-string 1 path))
2009-12-10 02:11:20 +08:00
(defun ros-find-executables (pkg)
(let ((ros-run-exec-paths nil)
(path (ros-package-path pkg)))
(call-process "find" nil t nil path "-perm" "-100" "!" "-type" "d")
(goto-char (point-min))
(let ((pos (re-search-forward "^\\(.+\\)$" (point-max) t)))
(if pos
(let ((str (match-string 1)))
(push str ros-run-exec-paths))
(sort* (map 'vector 'extract-exec-name ros-run-exec-paths) 'string<)))
2009-12-10 02:11:20 +08:00
(defun ros-package-path (pkg)
(call-process "rospack" nil t nil "find" pkg)
(goto-char (point-min))
(re-search-forward "^\\(.*\\)$")
(match-string 1))))
2009-12-10 02:11:20 +08:00
(define-minor-mode ros-run-mode
"Mode used for rosrun
k kills the process (sends SIGINT).
q kills the buffer and process."
:init-value nil
:lighter " ros-run"
:keymap ros-topic-echo-keymap
(message "ros-run mode: k to stop, q to quit"))
2010-07-08 14:20:27 +08:00
(defun rosemacs/contains-running-process (name)
(let ((buf (get-buffer name)))
(and buf
(let ((proc (get-buffer-process buf)))
(and proc
(member (process-status proc) '(run stop)))))))
2010-07-03 02:23:00 +08:00
2009-12-10 02:11:20 +08:00
(defun ros-run (pkg exec &rest args)
"pkg is a ros package name and exec is the executable name. Tab completes package name. Exec defaults to package name itself."
(interactive (list (setq ros-run-temp-var (ros-completing-read-package
nil (get-buffer-ros-package)))
(funcall ros-completion-function (format "Enter executable (default %s): " ros-run-temp-var)
(mapcar (lambda (pkg)
(cons pkg nil))
(ros-find-executables ros-run-temp-var))
nil nil nil nil ros-run-temp-var)))
2010-07-08 14:20:27 +08:00
(let ((name (format "*rosrun:%s/%s" pkg exec)))
(if (rosemacs/contains-running-process name)
(warn "Rosrun buffer %s already exists: not creating a new one." name)
(let ((buf (get-buffer-create name)))
(apply #'start-process name buf "rosrun" pkg exec args)
(set-buffer buf)
(view-buffer-other-window buf)
(ros-run-mode 1))
2009-12-10 02:11:20 +08:00
2010-07-03 02:23:00 +08:00
;; roslaunch
(defvar ros-launch-path nil "The path to the file being launched")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'ros-launch-path)
(defvar ros-launch-filename nil "The file being launched")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'ros-launch-filename)
2010-07-08 14:20:27 +08:00
2010-07-03 02:23:00 +08:00
(defun ros-launch (package-name)
"Open up the directory corresponding to PACKAGE-NAME in dired mode. If used interactively, tab completion will work." (interactive (list (ros-completing-read-pkg-file "Enter ros path: ")))
2010-07-03 02:23:00 +08:00
(multiple-value-bind (package dir-prefix dir-suffix) (parse-ros-file-prefix package-name)
(let* ((package-dir (ros-package-dir package))
(path (if dir-prefix (concat package-dir dir-prefix dir-suffix) package-dir)))
(if path
2010-07-08 14:20:27 +08:00
(let ((name (format "roslaunch:%s/%s" package dir-suffix)))
(if (rosemacs/contains-running-process name)
(warn "Roslaunch buffer %s already exists: not creating a new one." name)
(let ((buf (get-buffer-create name)))
(set-buffer buf)
(setq ros-launch-path path)
(setq ros-launch-filename dir-suffix)
(ros-launch-mode 1)
(rosemacs/relaunch (current-buffer)))
(display-buffer buf)
2010-07-08 14:20:27 +08:00
2010-07-03 02:23:00 +08:00
(error "Did not find %s in the ros package list." package-name)))))
2010-07-08 14:20:27 +08:00
(defun rosemacs/relaunch (buf)
(let ((proc (get-buffer-process buf)))
(if (and proc (eq (process-status proc) 'run))
(warn "Can't relaunch since process %s is still running" proc)
(set-buffer buf)
(start-process (buffer-name buf) buf "roslaunch" ros-launch-path)
(rosemacs/add-event (format "%s: Ros launch of %s\n" (float-time) ros-launch-path))
2010-07-08 14:20:27 +08:00
(defun rosemacs/relaunch-current-process ()
(rosemacs/relaunch (current-buffer)))
2010-07-03 02:23:00 +08:00
(defvar ros-launch-keymap (make-sparse-keymap))
(define-key ros-launch-keymap "k" 'rosemacs/interrupt-process)
2010-07-08 14:20:27 +08:00
(define-key ros-launch-keymap "q" 'kill-current-buffer)
(define-key ros-launch-keymap "r" 'rosemacs/relaunch-current-process)
2010-07-03 02:23:00 +08:00
2010-07-03 02:23:00 +08:00
(define-minor-mode ros-launch-mode
"Mode used for roslaunch
k kills the process (sends SIGINT)"
:init-value nil
:lighter " ros-launch"
:keymap ros-launch-keymap
;; Event buffer
(defun rosemacs/add-event (str &optional display-in-minibuffer)
(when display-in-minibuffer (message str))
(set-buffer ros-events-buffer)
(goto-char (point-max))
(terpri ros-events-buffer)
(insert str)
(defun rosemacs/display-event-buffer ()
(display-buffer ros-events-buffer))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
;; Keymap
(defvar ros-keymap (make-sparse-keymap))
(define-key ros-keymap "\C-f" 'find-ros-file)
(define-key ros-keymap "f" 'view-ros-file)
(define-key ros-keymap "\C-m" 'find-ros-message)
(define-key ros-keymap "m" 'view-ros-message)
(define-key ros-keymap "\C-s" 'find-ros-service)
(define-key ros-keymap "s" 'view-ros-service)
2010-07-03 02:23:00 +08:00
(define-key ros-keymap "\C-r" 'ros-run)
(define-key ros-keymap "r" 'ros-load-package-locations)
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(define-key ros-keymap "\C-c" 'ros-core)
(define-key ros-keymap "\C-t" 'display-ros-topic-info)
(define-key ros-keymap "t" 'echo-ros-topic)
(define-key ros-keymap "h" 'add-hz-update)
(define-key ros-keymap "H" 'remove-hz-update)
2009-09-17 06:51:14 +08:00
(define-key ros-keymap "T" 'ros-topic-info)
(define-key ros-keymap "g" 'ros-rgrep-package)
2010-07-03 02:23:00 +08:00
(define-key ros-keymap "\C-l" 'ros-launch)
(define-key ros-keymap "\C-e" 'rosemacs/display-event-buffer)
(define-key ros-keymap "\C-n" 'rosemacs/display-nodes)
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
;; Invoking the mode
(defun set-rosemacs-shell-hooks ()
(add-hook 'comint-input-filter-functions 'ros-directory-tracker nil t)
(add-hook 'comint-dynamic-complete-functions 'comint-dynamic-complete-ros-package nil t)
(add-hook 'comint-dynamic-complete-functions 'comint-dynamic-complete-ros-topic nil t)
(add-hook 'comint-dynamic-complete-functions 'comint-dynamic-complete-ros-node nil t))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(defun invoke-rosemacs ()
(add-hook 'shell-mode-hook 'set-rosemacs-shell-hooks)
(setq rosemacs/invoked t)
(rosemacs/track-topics ros-topic-update-interval)
(rosemacs/track-nodes ros-node-update-interval)
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
2009-09-17 06:51:14 +08:00
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
;; Internal
2009-12-10 02:11:20 +08:00
(defun rosemacs-get-comp (completions i)
2009-09-17 06:51:14 +08:00
(let ((comp (aref completions i)))
(string-match "^/*\\(.*\\)" comp)
(match-string 1 comp)))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
2009-12-10 02:11:20 +08:00
(defun rosemacs-bsearch (str completions)
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
"str is a string, completions is a sorted vector of strings. Return list of strings in completions that str is a prefix of."
(let ((num-completions (length completions)))
(unless (or (= num-completions 0)
2009-12-10 02:11:20 +08:00
(string< (rosemacs-get-comp completions (1- num-completions)) str))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(let ((i 0)
(j (1- num-completions)))
(while (< (1+ i) j)
(let ((k (floor (+ i j) 2)))
2009-12-10 02:11:20 +08:00
(if (string< str (rosemacs-get-comp completions k))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(setq j k)
(setq i k))))
2009-12-10 02:11:20 +08:00
(when (not (rosemacs-is-prefix str (rosemacs-get-comp completions i)))
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(incf i))
;; Postcondition: completions of str, if they exist, begin at i
(let ((returned-completions nil))
2009-12-10 02:11:20 +08:00
(while (and (< i (length completions)) (rosemacs-is-prefix str (rosemacs-get-comp completions i)))
(push (rosemacs-get-comp completions i) returned-completions)
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(incf i))
2009-12-10 02:11:20 +08:00
(defun rosemacs-is-prefix (str1 str2)
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(let ((m (length str1)))
(eq t (compare-strings str1 0 m str2 0 m))))
2009-12-10 02:11:20 +08:00
(defun rosemacs-lookup-vectors (str v1 v2)
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(let ((i (position str v1 :test #'string-equal)))
(when i
(aref v2 i))))
2009-12-10 02:11:20 +08:00
(defun rosemacs-list-diffs (l1 l2)
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
"Given two sorted lists of strings, return a list with 1) l2 - l1 2) l1 - l2"
(let ((added nil) (deleted nil) (remaining1 l1) (remaining2 l2))
(while (or remaining1 remaining2)
((or (null remaining1) (and remaining2 (string< (car remaining2) (car remaining1))))
(push (car remaining2) added)
(setq remaining2 (cdr remaining2)))
((or (null remaining2) (and remaining1 (string< (car remaining1) (car remaining2))))
(push (car remaining1) deleted)
(setq remaining1 (cdr remaining1)))
(t (setq remaining1 (cdr remaining1)
remaining2 (cdr remaining2)))))
(lwarn '(rosemacs) :debug "Diffs of %s and %s are %s and %s" l1 l2 added deleted)
(list added deleted)))
(defun set-ros-topic-update-interval (n)
(warn "The function set-ros-topic-update-interval is deprecated; please check the wiki/instructions for how to track topics (summary: it happens by default, and you can customize ros-topic-update-interval to change the frequency, so you just need to remove the set-ros-topic-update-interval call from your .emacs)")
;; Parameters
(defgroup rosemacs nil
"Customizations for rosemacs"
:group 'external)
(defcustom ros-completion-function 'completing-read
"The completion function to be used for package
completions. This variable can be set to `ido-completing-read'
to enable `ido-mode' for ros packages."
:type 'function
:group 'rosemacs)
(defcustom ros-topic-update-interval 8
"How often (seconds) to poll the list of ros topics. 0 means never."
:type 'integer
:group 'rosemacs
:require 'rosemacs
:set #'(lambda (s val)
(set-default s val)
(when rosemacs/invoked
(rosemacs/track-topics val)))
(defcustom ros-node-update-interval 8
"How often (seconds) to poll the list of ros nodes. 0 means never."
:type 'integer
:group 'rosemacs
:require 'rosemacs
:set #'(lambda (s val)
(set-default s val)
(when rosemacs/invoked
(rosemacs/track-nodes val)))
(defvar ros-topic-timeout-rate 5 "Number of seconds before info from rostopic hz is considered out-of-date" )
2009-09-11 11:08:16 +08:00
(provide 'rosemacs)
;;; rosemacs.el ends here