Class that defines the possible lane types accepted by OpenDRIVE 1.4. This standards define the road information. The snipet in carla.Map.get_waypoint makes use of a waypoint to get the current and adjacent lane types.
Class that defines the permission to turn either left, right, both or none (meaning only going straight is allowed). This information is stored for every carla.Waypoint according to the OpenDRIVE file. The snipet in carla.Map.get_waypoint shows how a waypoint can be used to learn which turns are permitted.
Class that defines the lane marking types accepted by OpenDRIVE 1.4. The snipet in carla.Map.get_waypoint shows how a waypoint can be used to retrieve the information about adjacent lane markings.
__Note on double types:__ Lane markings are defined under the OpenDRIVE standard that determines whereas a line will be considered "BrokenSolid" or "SolidBroken". For each road there is a center lane marking, defined from left to right regarding the lane's directions. The rest of the lane markings are defined in order from the center lane to the closest outside of the road.
Class containing the road information and waypoint managing. Data is retrieved from an OpenDRIVE file that describes the road. A query system is defined which works hand in hand with carla.Waypoint to translate geometrical information from the .xodr to natural world points. CARLA is currently working with [OpenDRIVE 1.4 standard](
The name of the map. It corresponds to the .umap from Unreal Engine that is loaded from a CARLA server, which then references to the .xodr road description.
Constructor for this class. Though a map is automatically generated when initializing the world, using this method in no-rendering mode facilitates working with an .xodr without any CARLA server running.
Returns a list of waypoints with a certain distance between them for every lane and centered inside of it. Waypoints are not listed in any particular order. Remember that waypoints closer than 2cm within the same road, section and lane will have the same identificator.
Saves the .xodr OpenDRIVE file of the current map to disk.
# --------------------------------------
- def_name:to_opendrive
Returns the .xodr OpenDRIVe file of the current map as string.
# --------------------------------------
- def_name:transform_to_geolocation
- param_name:location
Converts a given `location`, a point in the simulation, to a carla.GeoLocation, which represents world coordinates. The geographical location of the map is defined inside OpenDRIVE within the tag <b><georeference></b>.
Returns the landmarks in the same group as the specified landmark (including itself). Returns an empty list if the landmark does not belong to any group.
Returns a list of recommendations made by the creators of the map to be used as spawning points for the vehicles. The list includes carla.Transform objects with certain location and orientation. Said locations are slightly on-air in order to avoid Z-collisions, so vehicles fall for a bit before starting their way.
Returns a list of tuples describing a minimal graph of the topology of the OpenDRIVE file. The tuples contain pairs of waypoints located either at the point a road begins or ends. The first one is the origin and the second one represents another road end that can be reached. This graph can be loaded into [NetworkX]( to work with. Output could look like this:<b>[(w0, w1), (w0, w2), (w1, w3), (w2, w3), (w0, w4)]</b>.
Returns a waypoint that can be located in an exact location or translated to the center of the nearest lane. Said lane type can be defined using flags such as `LaneType.Driving & LaneType.Shoulder`.
The method will return <b>None</b> if the waypoint is not found, which may happen only when trying to retrieve a waypoint for an exact location. That eases checking if a point is inside a certain road, as otherwise, it will return the corresponding waypoint.
If **True**, the waypoint will be at the center of the closest lane. This is the default setting. If **False**, the waypoint will be exactly in `location`. <b>None</b> means said location does not belong to a road.
Returns a list of locations with all crosswalk zones in the form of closed polygons. The first point is repeated, symbolizing where the polygon begins and ends.
Path to the intended location of the stored binary map file.
Generates a binary file from the CARLA map containing information used by the Traffic Manager. This method is only used during the import process for maps.
Class that gathers all the information regarding a lane marking according to [OpenDRIVE 1.4 standard]( standard.
Waypoints in CARLA are described as 3D directed points. They have a carla.Transform which locates the waypoint in a road and orientates it according to the lane. They also store the road information belonging to said point regarding its lane and lane markings.
All the information regarding waypoints and the [waypoint API](../../core_map/#navigation-in-carla) is retrieved as provided by the OpenDRIVE file. Once the client asks for the map object to the server, no longer communication will be needed.
The identifier is generated using a hash combination of the <b>road</b>, <b>section</b>, <b>lane</b> and <b>s</b> values that correspond to said point in the OpenDRIVE geometry. The <b>s</b> precision is set to 2 centimeters, so 2 waypoints closer than 2 centimeters in the same road, section and lane, will have the same identificator.
Position and orientation of the waypoint according to the current lane information. This data is computed the first time it is accessed. It is not created right away in order to ease computing costs when lots of waypoints are created but their specific transform is not needed.
OpenDRIVE lane's id, this value can be positive or negative which represents the direction of the current lane with respect to the road. For more information refer to OpenDRIVE [documentation](
Lane change definition of the current Waypoint's location, based on the traffic rules defined in the OpenDRIVE file. It states if a lane change can be done and in which direction.
Returns a list of waypoints at a certain approximate `distance` from the current one. It takes into account the road and its possible deviations without performing any lane change and returns one waypoint per option.
This method does not return the waypoint previously visited by an actor, but a list of waypoints at an approximate `distance` but in the opposite direction of the lane. Similarly to **<font color="#7fb800">next()</font>**, it takes into account the road and its possible deviations without performing any lane change and returns one waypoint per option.
Generates a Waypoint at the center of the left lane based on the direction of the current Waypoint, taking into account if the lane change is allowed in this location.
Will return <b>None</b> if the lane does not exist
# --------------------------------------
- def_name:get_right_lane
Generates a waypoint at the center of the right lane based on the direction of the current waypoint, taking into account if the lane change is allowed in this location.
Will return <b>None</b> if the lane does not exist.
Returns a list of pairs of waypoints. Every tuple on the list contains first an initial and then a final waypoint within the intersection boundaries that describe the beginning and the end of said lane along the junction. Lanes follow their OpenDRIVE definitions so there may be many different tuples with the same starting waypoint due to possible deviations, as this are considered different lanes.
Helper class to define the orientation of a landmark in the road. The definition is not directly translated from OpenDRIVE but converted for the sake of understanding.
Helper class containing a set of commonly used landmark types as defined by the default country code in the [OpenDRIVE standard]( (Germany 2017).
__carla.Landmark does not reference this class__. The landmark type is a string that varies greatly depending on the country code being used. This class only makes it easier to manage some of the most commonly used in the default set by describing them as an enum.
Class that defines any type of traffic landmark or sign affecting a road. These class mediates between the [OpenDRIVE 1.4 standard]( definition of the landmarks and their representation in the simulation.
Landmarks will be accessed by carla.Waypoint objects trying to retrieve the regulation of their lane. Therefore some attributes depend on the waypoint that is consulting the landmark and so, creating the object.
The OpenDRIVE ID of the road where this landmark is defined. Due to OpenDRIVE road definitions, this road may be different from the road the landmark is currently affecting. It is mostly the case in junctions where the road diverges in different routes.
A waypoint placed in the lane of the one that made the query and at the `s` of the landmark. It is the first waypoint for which the landmark will be effective.
Returns which lanes the landmark is affecting to. As there may be specific lanes where the landmark is not effective, the return is a list of pairs containing ranges of the __lane_id__ affected: