
367 lines
9.8 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<%= "<!-- this file was generated using embedded ruby -->" %>
<sdf version='1.6'>
<world name='default'>
<gravity>0 1 -9.81</gravity>
# Test pyramid friction model
# Set asymmetric friction coefficients and friction direction
# Then apply lateral gravity component and watch the angle that boxes slide
# Also add some sphere and spin them to make sure friction directions
# are in the body-fixed frame
require 'matrix'
def a_to_s(v)
Array(v).join(" ")
sphere = {}
sphere[:radius] = 0.25
sphere[:mass] = 1
sphere[:ixx] = 0.4 * sphere[:mass] * sphere[:radius]**2
sphere[:iyy] = sphere[:ixx]
sphere[:izz] = sphere[:ixx]
sphere[:y0] = 3
<model name='spheres'>
<pose>0 <%= sphere[:y0] %> <%= sphere[:radius] %> 0 0 0</pose>
<link name='link_1'>
<mass><%= sphere[:mass] %></mass>
<ixx><%= sphere[:ixx] %></ixx>
<iyy><%= sphere[:iyy] %></iyy>
<izz><%= sphere[:izz] %></izz>
<collision name='collision'>
<radius><%= sphere[:radius] %></radius>
<fdir1>1 0 0</fdir1>
<visual name='visual'>
<radius><%= sphere[:radius] %></radius>
<link name='link_2'>
<pose>0 1 0 0 0 0</pose>
<mass><%= sphere[:mass] %></mass>
<ixx><%= sphere[:ixx] %></ixx>
<iyy><%= sphere[:iyy] %></iyy>
<izz><%= sphere[:izz] %></izz>
<collision name='collision'>
<radius><%= sphere[:radius] %></radius>
<fdir1>1 0 0</fdir1>
<visual name='visual'>
<radius><%= sphere[:radius] %></radius>
# box dimensions
dx = 0.5
dy = dx
dz = 0.2
box = {}
box[:size] = Vector[dx, dy, dz]
box[:mass] = 1
box[:ixx] = box[:mass] / 12.0 * (dy**2 + dz**2)
box[:iyy] = box[:mass] / 12.0 * (dz**2 + dx**2)
box[:izz] = box[:mass] / 12.0 * (dx**2 + dy**2)
box_count = 10
box_angles = Math::PI * Vector[*(0..box_count)] / box_count
rings = {}
rings["fdir"] = {:radius => 5}
rings["collision"] = {:radius => 6}
rings["link"] = {:radius => 7}
rings["model"] = {:radius => 8}
ring_name = "fdir"
ring = rings[ring_name]
box_angles.each_with_index do |a,i|
name = "box_#{ring_name}_#{i}"
pos_xy = ring[:radius] * Vector[Math.cos(a), Math.sin(a)]
fdir = Vector[-Math.sin(a), Math.cos(a)]
<model name='<%= name %>'>
<pose><%= a_to_s(pos_xy) %> 0.1 0 -0 0</pose>
<link name='link_1'>
<mass><%= box[:mass] %></mass>
<ixx><%= box[:ixx] %></ixx>
<iyy><%= box[:iyy] %></iyy>
<izz><%= box[:izz] %></izz>
<collision name='collision'>
<size><%= a_to_s(box[:size]) %></size>
<fdir1><%= a_to_s(fdir) %> 0</fdir1>
<visual name='visual'>
<size><%= a_to_s(box[:size]) %></size>
ring_name = "collision"
ring = rings[ring_name]
box_angles.each_with_index do |a,i|
name = "box_#{ring_name}_#{i}"
pos_xy = ring[:radius] * Vector[Math.cos(a), Math.sin(a)]
<model name='<%= name %>'>
<pose><%= a_to_s(pos_xy) %> 0.1 0 -0 0</pose>
<link name='link_1'>
<mass><%= box[:mass] %></mass>
<ixx><%= box[:ixx] %></ixx>
<iyy><%= box[:iyy] %></iyy>
<izz><%= box[:izz] %></izz>
<collision name='collision'>
<size><%= a_to_s(box[:size]) %></size>
<pose>0 0 0 0 0 <%= a %></pose>
<fdir1>0 1 0</fdir1>
<visual name='visual'>
<size><%= a_to_s(box[:size]) %></size>
<pose>0 0 0 0 0 <%= a %></pose>
ring_name = "link"
ring = rings[ring_name]
box_angles.each_with_index do |a,i|
name = "box_#{ring_name}_#{i}"
pos_xy = ring[:radius] * Vector[Math.cos(a), Math.sin(a)]
<model name='<%= name %>'>
<pose><%= a_to_s(pos_xy) %> 0.1 0 -0 0</pose>
<link name='link_1'>
<pose>0 0 0 0 0 <%= a %></pose>
<mass><%= box[:mass] %></mass>
<ixx><%= box[:ixx] %></ixx>
<iyy><%= box[:iyy] %></iyy>
<izz><%= box[:izz] %></izz>
<collision name='collision'>
<size><%= a_to_s(box[:size]) %></size>
<fdir1>0 1 0</fdir1>
<visual name='visual'>
<size><%= a_to_s(box[:size]) %></size>
ring_name = "model"
ring = rings[ring_name]
box_angles.each_with_index do |a,i|
name = "box_#{ring_name}_#{i}"
pos_xy = ring[:radius] * Vector[Math.cos(a), Math.sin(a)]
<model name='<%= name %>'>
<pose><%= a_to_s(pos_xy) %> 0.1 0 -0 <%= a %></pose>
<link name='link_1'>
<mass><%= box[:mass] %></mass>
<ixx><%= box[:ixx] %></ixx>
<iyy><%= box[:iyy] %></iyy>
<izz><%= box[:izz] %></izz>
<collision name='collision'>
<size><%= a_to_s(box[:size]) %></size>
<fdir1>0 1 0</fdir1>
<visual name='visual'>
<size><%= a_to_s(box[:size]) %></size>
<gui fullscreen='0'>
<camera name='user_camera'>
<pose>-0.93396 -19.9626 11.7572 0 0.503643 1.6562</pose>