The ROS package cv_bridge needs the Boost.Python library. This
commit adds a bbappend file that includes Boost.Python in the
boost recipe using PACKAGECONFIG.
This PACKAGECONFIG for boost is available since commit
in the openembeddded-core repository [1].
When CATKIN_ENABLE_TESTING is deactivated, the ROS packages do not
require the rostest package.
This commit includes a number of patches to be submitted in the
upstream repositories and removes the rostest dependencies from
the recipes.
The native packages are not required anymore, because the needed
python scripts during compile time are also provided by the
cross-compiled packages and the python scripts are platform
independent. Only the catkin package is provided as native package.
The update to version 1.5.34 includes a patch [1] that removes
whitespaces from the license line in the package.xml.
Hence, the hash is now the common hash similar to all other
BSD-licensed ROS packages.
[1] ab496af75c
The COLLADA Document Object Model (DOM) is an application
programming interface (API) that provides a C++ object representation of
a COLLADA XML instance document.
robot_model contains packages for modeling various aspects of robot
information, specified in the Xml Robot Description Format (URDF). The core
package of this stack is urdf, which parses URDF files, and constructs an
object model (C++) of the robot.
RECIPES collada-urdf AND kdl-parser
A set of packages that include controller interfaces, controller managers,
transmissions, hardware_interfaces and the control_toolbox.
The ros_control packages takes as input the joint state data from your robot's
actuator's encoders and an input set point. It uses a generic control loop
feedback mechanism, typically a PID controller, to control the output,
typically effort, sent to your actuators. ros_control gets more complicated
for physical mechanisms that do not have one-to-one mappings of joint
positions, efforts, etc but theses scenarios are accounted for using
This package contains a set of tools that can be used from a hard realtime
thread, without breaking the realtime behavior. The tools currently only
provides the realtime publisher, which makes it possible to publish messages
to a ROS topic from a realtime thread.
control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots.
It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian
The URDF (U-Robot Description Format) library provides core data structures
and a simple XML parsers for populating the class data structures from
an URDF file.
The qhull library is shipped under its own license. We add this
special license file in our layer in the directory licenses and
register this license directory in our layer configuration.
The genmsg recipe is updated to 0.4.22 to be in line with
The previously applied patch has been included in 0.4.22 and is
removed from the recipe and this repository.
The PR variable is reset.
The gencpp recipe is updated to 0.4.14 to be in line with
The previously applied patch has been included in 0.4.14 and is
removed from the recipe and this repository.
The PR variable is reset.