* Added LargeMapManager
* Added DVector Vector of doubles
* Declaration of interface
* Added AUncenteredPivotPointMesh
* Added map generation from assets folder
* Updates on FDVector
* Added tile load on demand
* Fixed load tile issues after rebasing origin
* Updated FDVector
* Added some auxiliary functions
* Added conversion and operator
* Added methods to check and configure the state
* Removed const and updated printed info
* Added macro to avoid logs
* Added info dump functions
* The asset spawn check was added to the tick
* LargeMapManager added to CarlaGM
* Moving to level load autocontrol
* Updated with new function name, AddNewClientToConsider
* Fixing forced tile load
* Added operator*(float)
* Disabled Localplayer
* Now the streaming is handled by us
* Fixed remove of considered actors
* Fixed typo
* Added MapOrigin to the Episode
* Added Vector3DInt to LibCarla
* Removed floats in Vector3DInt
* Added offset to client actor's location
* Fixed old cast warning
* Removed float
* Added explicit cast to avoid warning
* Fixed client actor transform
* Removed unnecessary code
* Added origin offset to spawn_actor
* Adding spawn points generation
* Added spawn points folder in editor
* Changed Spawnpoint for only Transforms
* World rebase is triggered directly
* Added offset when attaching actors
* Detecting hero vehicle
* Added LargeMapManager
* Added DVector Vector of doubles
* Declaration of interface
* Added AUncenteredPivotPointMesh
* Added map generation from assets folder
* Updates on FDVector
* Added tile load on demand
* Fixed load tile issues after rebasing origin
* Updated FDVector
* Added some auxiliary functions
* Added conversion and operator
* Added methods to check and configure the state
* Removed const and updated printed info
* Added macro to avoid logs
* Added info dump functions
* The asset spawn check was added to the tick
* LargeMapManager added to CarlaGM
* Moving to level load autocontrol
* Updated with new function name, AddNewClientToConsider
* Fixing forced tile load
* Added operator*(float)
* Disabled Localplayer
* Now the streaming is handled by us
* Fixed remove of considered actors
* Fixed typo
* Added MapOrigin to the Episode
* Added Vector3DInt to LibCarla
* Removed floats in Vector3DInt
* Added offset to client actor's location
* Fixed old cast warning
* Removed float
* Added explicit cast to avoid warning
* Fixed client actor transform
* Removed unnecessary code
* Added origin offset to spawn_actor
* Adding spawn points generation
* Added spawn points folder in editor
* Changed Spawnpoint for only Transforms
* World rebase is triggered directly
* Added offset when attaching actors
* Detecting hero vehicle
* Only hero vehicles are considered to stream tiles
* Little update on log macro
* Adding support for ghost actors
* Refactored LargeMap classes
* Refactored LargeMap classes
* Revert refactor
* Remove files
* Added dormant state to actors
* Fixed spawn+rebase on new OnActorSpawn
* Removed circular dependency warning
* Converted FActorView into an USTRUCT
* Added actor state conversion to dormant
* Removed ConvertActorDormant
* Added spawn and transition of dormants
* Ghost to Dormant working
* Replicated dormant actors
* Add substraction operators
* Added dormant to ghost conversion
* Fixed some issues in dormant to ghost conversion
* WIP! Attached actors not working properly
* WIP! Attached actors not working properly
* Added tiles loaded from umaps.
* Fixed Missing includes
* Added FActorData classes to save and restore actor state for dormant actors. Edited all client - server calls to recognize the dormant state. FActorView now can hold null AActor* when is dormant. Large Maps now load tiled umaps instead of assets.
* Fixed dormant check for attached actors
* Expanded FActorData classes. Added world observer aware of dormant actors.
* Extended FActorData classes with walker data.
* Fixed missing includes
* Removed some with editor macros.
* Added virtual destructor to FActorData.
* Adding includes
* Fixed warnings. Added UNoWorldOffsetSceneComponent to have unreal actors unnafected by rebase.
* Fixed tile alingment.
* Added sensor data to restore the comunication.
* Added parent hierarchy consideration to sleep/wakeup of ghost/dormant actors.
* Fixed crash for sensor destruction.
Co-authored-by: doterop <daniel.oterop@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: bernat <bernatx@gmail.com>
* Added Chrono Integration page to navigation
* Initial draft of Chrono documentation
* Added Python API information for enable_chrono_physics. Made some syntactical changes to first draft of Chrono docs.
* Made the forward slash character in PythonAPI stand out. Added link to Actor class in the Chrono doc.
* Added manual_control_chrono.py to PythonAPI/examples
* Edited chrono torial. Edited changelog.
Co-authored-by: Axel <axellopez92@outlook.com>