* Changes in constant values
Added new constants
* Added Ambulance and Firetruck as unsafe vehicles in spawn_npc.py
* WIP: Rerouting algorithm
* Removing rerouting algorithm.
Fixed collisions at high speed.
* Changes to constant values and cleaning up.
* Users can now set their own path by giving a list of locations.
Implementation of RoadOption for SimpleWaypoints
Implementation of GetNextAction and GetActionBuffer for TM actions
Parameters for setting the path import and starting the import process.
Other minor changes
* Users now only need to use one parameter to import path
* added road option to the cache map
* Introduced RoadOption in InMemoryMap for each swp
Introduced getter in PythonAPI for high level path
Introduced getter in PythonAPI for next high level action
Introduced parameters for random lane changes
Fixed keep right parameter
* Introduced parameter SetImportedRoute to set a RoadOption path for TM controlled vehicles.
Method in Localization Stage to compute a path using RoadOptions.
* Changing names of methods
* Small changes to Collision Stage
Cleanup of SetRoadOption
Added debug_helper in Loc Stage (to be removed)
* Changes to get_next_action and get_all_actions
Fixed lane changes representation in those methods
Now get_next_action and get_all_actions need the Actor in Python
* Remove debug_helper
Set MAX_BRAKE to 0.7
* Constant values in Loc stage
* Code fixes
* Small changes in collision stage
Adding constants for VLStage
Changes in VLStage
* Choose randomly a right or left lane change if forcing both.
* Reviewable changes
Changes name of variables in Loc stage
Removed unnecessary import
* Minor final changes
* Change of method name in generate_traffic
* Change in Latest ContentVersion.txt
Co-authored-by: Joel Moriana <joel.moriana@gmail.com>
* added vehicle lights stage to the traffic manager under the dev branch
* update CHANGELOG to lastest version and added vehicle lights stage for automatically turn on-off lights
* added vehicle lights stage to the traffic manager under the dev branch
* removed commented code
* cleanups to the code, adding some comments to explain how the trafficmanagerlocal handles the command buffer
* fixing missing reference in ALSM constructor, disabling vehicle light state for dormant vehicles
* bugfix in vehicle_id_list access, added fix to avoid blinking brake lights due to throttle control
* requested changes in the vehicle light stage code
* missing namespace qualifier for constants
* Added explicit method to enable the vehicle lights management by the TM, on a per-vehicle basis. Changed generate_traffic.py to use the new vehicle lights stage instead of just setting a fixed, constant vehicle light status. Docs are updated, accordingly.
Co-authored-by: npunito <npunito>
Co-authored-by: Jacopo Bartiromo <32928804+jackbart94@users.noreply.github.com>
* Changes in constant values
Added new constants
* Added Ambulance and Firetruck as unsafe vehicles in spawn_npc.py
* WIP: Rerouting algorithm
* Removing rerouting algorithm.
Fixed collisions at high speed.
* Changes to constant values and cleaning up.
* Cleanup
* Changelog
* Added a factor of vehicle length when checking for collision at low speed.
* Change in horizon rate
* First iteration of the required files functionality
* WIP: Binary file for in memory map
* Fixed "/Game/" replacement and load new episode by name problems with the required files system
* removed unnecessary changes
* added extra space
* Enable pedestrians building only for single maps, no in tiled maps (temporal)
* Added python selector to make import command
* returning const reference
* fix bug not finding required files
* add TM binary files to packages
Co-authored-by: Alejandro Fraga Cimadevila <alex_fraga95@hotmail.com>
Co-authored-by: bernatx <berni2berni>
Co-authored-by: bernat <bernatx@gmail.com>
* Added LargeMapManager
* Added DVector Vector of doubles
* Declaration of interface
* Added AUncenteredPivotPointMesh
* Added map generation from assets folder
* Updates on FDVector
* Added tile load on demand
* Fixed load tile issues after rebasing origin
* Updated FDVector
* Added some auxiliary functions
* Added conversion and operator
* Added methods to check and configure the state
* Removed const and updated printed info
* Added macro to avoid logs
* Added info dump functions
* The asset spawn check was added to the tick
* LargeMapManager added to CarlaGM
* Moving to level load autocontrol
* Updated with new function name, AddNewClientToConsider
* Fixing forced tile load
* Added operator*(float)
* Disabled Localplayer
* Now the streaming is handled by us
* Fixed remove of considered actors
* Fixed typo
* Added MapOrigin to the Episode
* Added Vector3DInt to LibCarla
* Removed floats in Vector3DInt
* Added offset to client actor's location
* Fixed old cast warning
* Removed float
* Added explicit cast to avoid warning
* Fixed client actor transform
* Removed unnecessary code
* Added origin offset to spawn_actor
* Adding spawn points generation
* Added spawn points folder in editor
* Changed Spawnpoint for only Transforms
* World rebase is triggered directly
* Added offset when attaching actors
* Detecting hero vehicle
* Added LargeMapManager
* Added DVector Vector of doubles
* Declaration of interface
* Added AUncenteredPivotPointMesh
* Added map generation from assets folder
* Updates on FDVector
* Added tile load on demand
* Fixed load tile issues after rebasing origin
* Updated FDVector
* Added some auxiliary functions
* Added conversion and operator
* Added methods to check and configure the state
* Removed const and updated printed info
* Added macro to avoid logs
* Added info dump functions
* The asset spawn check was added to the tick
* LargeMapManager added to CarlaGM
* Moving to level load autocontrol
* Updated with new function name, AddNewClientToConsider
* Fixing forced tile load
* Added operator*(float)
* Disabled Localplayer
* Now the streaming is handled by us
* Fixed remove of considered actors
* Fixed typo
* Added MapOrigin to the Episode
* Added Vector3DInt to LibCarla
* Removed floats in Vector3DInt
* Added offset to client actor's location
* Fixed old cast warning
* Removed float
* Added explicit cast to avoid warning
* Fixed client actor transform
* Removed unnecessary code
* Added origin offset to spawn_actor
* Adding spawn points generation
* Added spawn points folder in editor
* Changed Spawnpoint for only Transforms
* World rebase is triggered directly
* Added offset when attaching actors
* Detecting hero vehicle
* Only hero vehicles are considered to stream tiles
* Little update on log macro
* Adding support for ghost actors
* Refactored LargeMap classes
* Refactored LargeMap classes
* Revert refactor
* Remove files
* Added dormant state to actors
* Fixed spawn+rebase on new OnActorSpawn
* Removed circular dependency warning
* Converted FActorView into an USTRUCT
* Added actor state conversion to dormant
* Removed ConvertActorDormant
* Added spawn and transition of dormants
* Ghost to Dormant working
* Replicated dormant actors
* Add substraction operators
* Added dormant to ghost conversion
* Fixed some issues in dormant to ghost conversion
* WIP! Attached actors not working properly
* WIP! Attached actors not working properly
* Changing several constant variables
Removing sorting in LocalizationStage.cpp
* Fixing variable name
* Fixing variable name
* WIP: Fixing hybrid mode
* Added tiles loaded from umaps.
* Fixed Missing includes
* Debug settings are still on.
Added extra points in tight curves for PID improvement.
Fixed Hybrid Mode, now moves in the direction of the next waypoint.
Reduced calculations in MotionPlanningStage.cpp
* Removed all debug helper functions
* Added FActorData classes to save and restore actor state for dormant actors. Edited all client - server calls to recognize the dormant state. FActorView now can hold null AActor* when is dormant. Large Maps now load tiled umaps instead of assets.
* Fixed dormant check for attached actors
* Expanded FActorData classes. Added world observer aware of dormant actors.
* Extended FActorData classes with walker data.
* Fixed missing includes
* Removed some with editor macros.
* Added virtual destructor to FActorData.
* Adding includes
* Fixed warnings. Added UNoWorldOffsetSceneComponent to have unreal actors unnafected by rebase.
* Fixed tile alingment.
* Added sensor data to restore the comunication.
* Added parent hierarchy consideration to sleep/wakeup of ghost/dormant actors.
* Fixed crash for sensor destruction.
* Changed InMemoryMap to generate more points if two waypoints are even further than a multiple of the limit.
Removed SetSimulatePhysics call when not needed.
Changed PID functions to inline.
* Fixed child-parent when waking up dormant actors. Added profiling traces. Fixed transformation of debug shapes in large maps.
* WIP: Relocating TM-controlled vehicles near the hero vehicle
* WIP: Vehicle teleportation near hero vehicle.
Missing a way to place them in a better order around the map.
Fixes non-deterministic seed setup.
* Fixes bug where the hero vehicle was also set to not have physics.
* Introduces parameter SetRespawnDormantVehicles
WIP Respawning dormant vehicles
* Fixed child-parent when waking up dormant actors. Added profiling traces. Fixed transformation of debug shapes in large maps.
* WIP: renaming FActorView to FCarlaActor. Changing calls related to FCarlaActor to acomodate new typing.
* Renaming FActorView to FCarlaActor. Changing calls related to FCarlaActor to acomodate new typing.
* Now traffic lights can be spawned without controllers inside junctions.
* Added functions to interface the FCarlaActor object with recorder. Started adapting recorder to new FCarlaActor object.
* Fixed missing includes.
* Updated CarlaRecorder and CarlaReplayer to use new FCarlaActor interface for vehicles, walkers and sensors.
* Fixed missing includes.
* Streaming level list now is persistant and can be saved for unreal to detect the dependencies.
* Enabled packages for large maps.
* Added Tiles to the MapPath.txt file. Removed debug warnings.
* WIP: Fix seed when setting deterministic mode.
WIP: Respawn actors when dormant
Added --hero and --respawn to spawn_npc.py
* Fixed traffic light trigger box placement in large maps.
* Fixed traffic light warning. Set speed limit for dormant actors to 30. Fixed semantic segmentation on streaming levels.
* added server bind for set_respawn_dormant_vehicles parameter
* TM doesn't destroy hero vehicle if idle.
ALSM stage will now update hero vehicles first.
MP stage will treat dormant vehicles like physics-less in hybrid mode.
Added fixed seed increment in deterministic mode.
* Fixed Traffic Light issue with recorder and dormant state. Removed old ActorView files.
* handles scenario where the hero vehicle does not exist
* Fixing line markings semantics
* Fixed recorder issues with traffic lights.
* Filter out the base large map as available map
* Added tile_stream_distance and actor_stream_distance to world settings.
* removed unused comments.
* Added IsActive functions. Dormant actors that cannot be respawned now remain dormant.
* Fixed missing includes.
* Fixed missing includes
* Review fixes. Missing includes.
* Fixed link errors.
* Fixes issue with Hybrid mode in async mode.
Introduces new set_boundaries_respawn_dormant_vehicles parameter.
Fixes issue when reloading map.
* WIP: New algorithm to move vehicles from dormant to active
* Finished new policy for teleporting vehicles.
Created new generate_traffic.py script, which works in sync mode.
Removed spawn_npc.py script.
General cleanup in Traffic Manager.
* Cleanup.
* Set FXAA antialiasing method
* Added automatic generation of speed limit signals.
* Adding some includes
* Fixed speed limit component crash when waking up.
* Fixed speed limit component wrong check.
* Fixed speed limit not reset when waking up actors.
* Fixed rare crash when traffic lights become dormant.
* Added speed limit to FActorData.
* Fixed generating waypoints when angle is tight
* Added warning when using asynchronous mode in generate traffic.
Lane changes now require more space.
Vehicle switching from no physics to physics in hybrid mode will have an initial speed.
Changed lower bound to 20 meters for respawn in Large Maps.
* WIP: Landmark anticipation using waypoints
* WIP: anticipation landmark
* Added lane check to landmark search
* Fixed excluded lanes
* WIP: landmark anticipation
* WIP: landmark anticipation
* Changes to constants for path buffer and max speed
Bug fix for landmarks that return nullptr
Included prints for debugging
* Updating constants
Changed collision radius check value
New max_distance for GetAllLandmakrsInDistance
* Incoming turns now make vehicles break
* Added variable radius when finding possible collisions
Added GetMap in InMemoryMap
Added TLMap in MPStage to cache TL
Finished GetLandmarkTargetVelocity function
General cleanup
* Fix merge error
Change constant for collision detection
* Improved lateral PID
* More PID improvements
* Improved longitudinal PID + minor fixes
* Tuned PID parameters
* Changed algorithm for respawn using GeoGrid IDs.
* Fix merge error
* Fixes intersection anticipation algorithm
* Removed print and debug helper init
Co-authored-by: doterop <daniel.oterop@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Axel <axellopez92@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: bernat <bernatx@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Joel Moriana <joel.moriana@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Axel1092 <lopez1092@hotmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Axel1092 <35765780+Axel1092@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Guillermo <glopez@cvc.uab.es>
* Added LargeMapManager
* Added DVector Vector of doubles
* Declaration of interface
* Added AUncenteredPivotPointMesh
* Added map generation from assets folder
* Updates on FDVector
* Added tile load on demand
* Fixed load tile issues after rebasing origin
* Updated FDVector
* Added some auxiliary functions
* Added conversion and operator
* Added methods to check and configure the state
* Removed const and updated printed info
* Added macro to avoid logs
* Added info dump functions
* The asset spawn check was added to the tick
* LargeMapManager added to CarlaGM
* Moving to level load autocontrol
* Updated with new function name, AddNewClientToConsider
* Fixing forced tile load
* Added operator*(float)
* Disabled Localplayer
* Now the streaming is handled by us
* Fixed remove of considered actors
* Fixed typo
* Added MapOrigin to the Episode
* Added Vector3DInt to LibCarla
* Removed floats in Vector3DInt
* Added offset to client actor's location
* Fixed old cast warning
* Removed float
* Added explicit cast to avoid warning
* Fixed client actor transform
* Removed unnecessary code
* Added origin offset to spawn_actor
* Adding spawn points generation
* Added spawn points folder in editor
* Changed Spawnpoint for only Transforms
* World rebase is triggered directly
* Added offset when attaching actors
* Detecting hero vehicle
* Added LargeMapManager
* Added DVector Vector of doubles
* Declaration of interface
* Added AUncenteredPivotPointMesh
* Added map generation from assets folder
* Updates on FDVector
* Added tile load on demand
* Fixed load tile issues after rebasing origin
* Updated FDVector
* Added some auxiliary functions
* Added conversion and operator
* Added methods to check and configure the state
* Removed const and updated printed info
* Added macro to avoid logs
* Added info dump functions
* The asset spawn check was added to the tick
* LargeMapManager added to CarlaGM
* Moving to level load autocontrol
* Updated with new function name, AddNewClientToConsider
* Fixing forced tile load
* Added operator*(float)
* Disabled Localplayer
* Now the streaming is handled by us
* Fixed remove of considered actors
* Fixed typo
* Added MapOrigin to the Episode
* Added Vector3DInt to LibCarla
* Removed floats in Vector3DInt
* Added offset to client actor's location
* Fixed old cast warning
* Removed float
* Added explicit cast to avoid warning
* Fixed client actor transform
* Removed unnecessary code
* Added origin offset to spawn_actor
* Adding spawn points generation
* Added spawn points folder in editor
* Changed Spawnpoint for only Transforms
* World rebase is triggered directly
* Added offset when attaching actors
* Detecting hero vehicle
* Only hero vehicles are considered to stream tiles
* Little update on log macro
* Adding support for ghost actors
* Refactored LargeMap classes
* Refactored LargeMap classes
* Revert refactor
* Remove files
* Added dormant state to actors
* Fixed spawn+rebase on new OnActorSpawn
* Removed circular dependency warning
* Converted FActorView into an USTRUCT
* Added actor state conversion to dormant
* Removed ConvertActorDormant
* Added spawn and transition of dormants
* Ghost to Dormant working
* Replicated dormant actors
* Add substraction operators
* Added dormant to ghost conversion
* Fixed some issues in dormant to ghost conversion
* WIP! Attached actors not working properly
* WIP! Attached actors not working properly
* Changing several constant variables
Removing sorting in LocalizationStage.cpp
* Fixing variable name
* Fixing variable name
* WIP: Fixing hybrid mode
* Added tiles loaded from umaps.
* Fixed Missing includes
* Debug settings are still on.
Added extra points in tight curves for PID improvement.
Fixed Hybrid Mode, now moves in the direction of the next waypoint.
Reduced calculations in MotionPlanningStage.cpp
* Removed all debug helper functions
* Added FActorData classes to save and restore actor state for dormant actors. Edited all client - server calls to recognize the dormant state. FActorView now can hold null AActor* when is dormant. Large Maps now load tiled umaps instead of assets.
* Fixed dormant check for attached actors
* Expanded FActorData classes. Added world observer aware of dormant actors.
* Extended FActorData classes with walker data.
* Fixed missing includes
* Removed some with editor macros.
* Added virtual destructor to FActorData.
* Adding includes
* Fixed warnings. Added UNoWorldOffsetSceneComponent to have unreal actors unnafected by rebase.
* Fixed tile alingment.
* Added sensor data to restore the comunication.
* Added parent hierarchy consideration to sleep/wakeup of ghost/dormant actors.
* Fixed crash for sensor destruction.
* Changed InMemoryMap to generate more points if two waypoints are even further than a multiple of the limit.
Removed SetSimulatePhysics call when not needed.
Changed PID functions to inline.
* Fixed child-parent when waking up dormant actors. Added profiling traces. Fixed transformation of debug shapes in large maps.
* WIP: Relocating TM-controlled vehicles near the hero vehicle
* WIP: Vehicle teleportation near hero vehicle.
Missing a way to place them in a better order around the map.
Fixes non-deterministic seed setup.
* Fixes bug where the hero vehicle was also set to not have physics.
* Introduces parameter SetRespawnDormantVehicles
WIP Respawning dormant vehicles
* Fixed child-parent when waking up dormant actors. Added profiling traces. Fixed transformation of debug shapes in large maps.
* WIP: renaming FActorView to FCarlaActor. Changing calls related to FCarlaActor to acomodate new typing.
* Renaming FActorView to FCarlaActor. Changing calls related to FCarlaActor to acomodate new typing.
* Now traffic lights can be spawned without controllers inside junctions.
* Added functions to interface the FCarlaActor object with recorder. Started adapting recorder to new FCarlaActor object.
* Fixed missing includes.
* Updated CarlaRecorder and CarlaReplayer to use new FCarlaActor interface for vehicles, walkers and sensors.
* Fixed missing includes.
* Streaming level list now is persistant and can be saved for unreal to detect the dependencies.
* Enabled packages for large maps.
* Added Tiles to the MapPath.txt file. Removed debug warnings.
* WIP: Fix seed when setting deterministic mode.
WIP: Respawn actors when dormant
Added --hero and --respawn to spawn_npc.py
* Fixed traffic light trigger box placement in large maps.
* Fixed traffic light warning. Set speed limit for dormant actors to 30. Fixed semantic segmentation on streaming levels.
* added server bind for set_respawn_dormant_vehicles parameter
* TM doesn't destroy hero vehicle if idle.
ALSM stage will now update hero vehicles first.
MP stage will treat dormant vehicles like physics-less in hybrid mode.
Added fixed seed increment in deterministic mode.
* Fixed Traffic Light issue with recorder and dormant state. Removed old ActorView files.
* handles scenario where the hero vehicle does not exist
* Fixing line markings semantics
* Fixed recorder issues with traffic lights.
* Filter out the base large map as available map
* Added tile_stream_distance and actor_stream_distance to world settings.
* removed unused comments.
* Added IsActive functions. Dormant actors that cannot be respawned now remain dormant.
* Fixed missing includes.
* Fixed missing includes
* Review fixes. Missing includes.
* Fixed link errors.
* Fixes issue with Hybrid mode in async mode.
Introduces new set_boundaries_respawn_dormant_vehicles parameter.
Fixes issue when reloading map.
* WIP: New algorithm to move vehicles from dormant to active
* Finished new policy for teleporting vehicles.
Created new generate_traffic.py script, which works in sync mode.
Removed spawn_npc.py script.
General cleanup in Traffic Manager.
* Cleanup.
* Set FXAA antialiasing method
* Added automatic generation of speed limit signals.
* Adding some includes
* Fixed speed limit component crash when waking up.
* Fixed speed limit component wrong check.
* Fixed speed limit not reset when waking up actors.
* Fixed generating waypoints when angle is tight
* Added warning when using asynchronous mode in generate traffic.
Lane changes now require more space.
Vehicle switching from no physics to physics in hybrid mode will have an initial speed.
Changed lower bound to 20 meters for respawn in Large Maps.
* Calculating TLStage even when dormant
Co-authored-by: doterop <daniel.oterop@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Axel <axellopez92@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: bernat <bernatx@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Joel Moriana <joel.moriana@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Axel1092 <lopez1092@hotmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Axel1092 <35765780+Axel1092@users.noreply.github.com>
* Fixed child-parent when waking up dormant actors. Added profiling traces. Fixed transformation of debug shapes in large maps.
* WIP: renaming FActorView to FCarlaActor. Changing calls related to FCarlaActor to acomodate new typing.
* Renaming FActorView to FCarlaActor. Changing calls related to FCarlaActor to acomodate new typing.
* Now traffic lights can be spawned without controllers inside junctions.
* Added functions to interface the FCarlaActor object with recorder. Started adapting recorder to new FCarlaActor object.
* Fixed missing includes.
* Updated CarlaRecorder and CarlaReplayer to use new FCarlaActor interface for vehicles, walkers and sensors.
* Fixed missing includes.
* Streaming level list now is persistant and can be saved for unreal to detect the dependencies.
* Enabled packages for large maps.
* Added Tiles to the MapPath.txt file. Removed debug warnings.
* Fixed traffic light trigger box placement in large maps.
* Fixed traffic light warning. Set speed limit for dormant actors to 30. Fixed semantic segmentation on streaming levels.
* Fixed Traffic Light issue with recorder and dormant state. Removed old ActorView files.
* Fixing line markings semantics
* Fixed recorder issues with traffic lights.
* Filter out the base large map as available map
* Added tile_stream_distance and actor_stream_distance to world settings.
* removed unused comments.
* Added IsActive functions. Dormant actors that cannot be respawned now remain dormant.
* Fixed missing includes.
* Fixed missing includes
* Review fixes. Missing includes.
* Fixed link errors.
Co-authored-by: bernat <bernatx@gmail.com>
Added extra points in tight curves for PID improvement.
Fixed Hybrid Mode, now moves in the direction of the next waypoint.
Reduced calculations in MotionPlanningStage.cpp
* Added LargeMapManager
* Added DVector Vector of doubles
* Declaration of interface
* Added AUncenteredPivotPointMesh
* Added map generation from assets folder
* Updates on FDVector
* Added tile load on demand
* Fixed load tile issues after rebasing origin
* Updated FDVector
* Added some auxiliary functions
* Added conversion and operator
* Added methods to check and configure the state
* Removed const and updated printed info
* Added macro to avoid logs
* Added info dump functions
* The asset spawn check was added to the tick
* LargeMapManager added to CarlaGM
* Moving to level load autocontrol
* Updated with new function name, AddNewClientToConsider
* Fixing forced tile load
* Added operator*(float)
* Disabled Localplayer
* Now the streaming is handled by us
* Fixed remove of considered actors
* Fixed typo
* Added MapOrigin to the Episode
* Added Vector3DInt to LibCarla
* Removed floats in Vector3DInt
* Added offset to client actor's location
* Fixed old cast warning
* Removed float
* Added explicit cast to avoid warning
* Fixed client actor transform
* Removed unnecessary code
* Added origin offset to spawn_actor
* Adding spawn points generation
* Added spawn points folder in editor
* Changed Spawnpoint for only Transforms
* World rebase is triggered directly
* Added offset when attaching actors
* Detecting hero vehicle
* Added LargeMapManager
* Added DVector Vector of doubles
* Declaration of interface
* Added AUncenteredPivotPointMesh
* Added map generation from assets folder
* Updates on FDVector
* Added tile load on demand
* Fixed load tile issues after rebasing origin
* Updated FDVector
* Added some auxiliary functions
* Added conversion and operator
* Added methods to check and configure the state
* Removed const and updated printed info
* Added macro to avoid logs
* Added info dump functions
* The asset spawn check was added to the tick
* LargeMapManager added to CarlaGM
* Moving to level load autocontrol
* Updated with new function name, AddNewClientToConsider
* Fixing forced tile load
* Added operator*(float)
* Disabled Localplayer
* Now the streaming is handled by us
* Fixed remove of considered actors
* Fixed typo
* Added MapOrigin to the Episode
* Added Vector3DInt to LibCarla
* Removed floats in Vector3DInt
* Added offset to client actor's location
* Fixed old cast warning
* Removed float
* Added explicit cast to avoid warning
* Fixed client actor transform
* Removed unnecessary code
* Added origin offset to spawn_actor
* Adding spawn points generation
* Added spawn points folder in editor
* Changed Spawnpoint for only Transforms
* World rebase is triggered directly
* Added offset when attaching actors
* Detecting hero vehicle
* Only hero vehicles are considered to stream tiles
* Little update on log macro
* Adding support for ghost actors
* Refactored LargeMap classes
* Refactored LargeMap classes
* Revert refactor
* Remove files
* Added dormant state to actors
* Fixed spawn+rebase on new OnActorSpawn
* Removed circular dependency warning
* Converted FActorView into an USTRUCT
* Added actor state conversion to dormant
* Removed ConvertActorDormant
* Added spawn and transition of dormants
* Ghost to Dormant working
* Replicated dormant actors
* Add substraction operators
* Added dormant to ghost conversion
* Fixed some issues in dormant to ghost conversion
* WIP! Attached actors not working properly
* WIP! Attached actors not working properly
* Added tiles loaded from umaps.
* Fixed Missing includes
* Added FActorData classes to save and restore actor state for dormant actors. Edited all client - server calls to recognize the dormant state. FActorView now can hold null AActor* when is dormant. Large Maps now load tiled umaps instead of assets.
* Fixed dormant check for attached actors
* Expanded FActorData classes. Added world observer aware of dormant actors.
* Extended FActorData classes with walker data.
* Fixed missing includes
* Removed some with editor macros.
* Added virtual destructor to FActorData.
* Adding includes
* Fixed warnings. Added UNoWorldOffsetSceneComponent to have unreal actors unnafected by rebase.
* Fixed tile alingment.
* Added sensor data to restore the comunication.
* Added parent hierarchy consideration to sleep/wakeup of ghost/dormant actors.
* Fixed crash for sensor destruction.
Co-authored-by: doterop <daniel.oterop@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: bernat <bernatx@gmail.com>
* First version - Wheel direction changes
* Updated CHANGELOG.md
* Fix DVSCamera include error
* Updated vehicle wheels direction commands
* Reset files back to default state
* Removed files from PR.
* Updated changelog
Now you can add the option of reset_settings=False for not returning
to default options when you load/reload maps.
By default, reset_settings=True so it does not change the current
behavior of the simulator.
* Added MapLayer enum
* Added Load/Unload layer functions
* Added calls to register and tag objects on map change
* Added missing file
* Updated MapLayer to support more layers
* Added calls to PythonAPI
* Added default value
* Moved CurrentMapLayer to GI
* Updated manual_control with maplayer handling
* Updated help
* Updated Changelog
* Fixed a missing `;`
* Fixed LoadWorld() API so it works with old code
* Added missing include for shipping builds
* Fixed base enum type of MapLayer
* Removed int number from layer output
* Renamed variables
* MapLayer converted to int32 and added generic enumToString function
* MapLayer back to uint16
Co-authored-by: Marc Garcia Puig <marcgpuig@gmail.com>
* Added raycasting and point projection capabilities to python api.
* Added documentation of new functions.
* Fixed missing .f on floats
Co-authored-by: doterop <daniel.oterop@gmail.com>
* Added new function to calculate BBs on SKM and SM
* Added BB calculation for an array of actors
* Added BB folliage calculation
* Added a call on the GM to get all the BBs of the level
* Fixed Folliage BB calculation.
* GM::GetAllBBsOfLevel now returns the array of BBs
* Added call on the server side to retrieve the BBs
* Removed debug draw calls
* Added call to the PythonAPI
* Added check for empty folliage actors
* Added missing EOF
* Added new RotateVector function
* Added rotation to the BBs
* Update changelog
* Split BB calculation on more functions
* Add tag query and simplified Folliage actor BB calculation
* Look for ISM instead of HISM
* Cleaning comments
* Fixed BB duplication on BP_Procedural_Buildings
* Fixed BB duplication on vehicles BPs
* Added pedestrians case
* Added CityObjectLabel enum on PythonAPI
* Splitted logic in small functions
* Fixed uint8_t
* Merged BB of the lights in a TL
* Splitted work into more functions
* Added missing BB and rotation to TL
* Cleaned comments
* Added missing include
* Changed None to Any in PythonAPI
* Fixed Any enum
* Added check for empty folliage actors
* Added missing EOF
* Added new RotateVector function
* Added rotation to the BBs
* Update changelog
* Split BB calculation on more functions
* Add tag query and simplified Folliage actor BB calculation
* Look for ISM instead of HISM
* Cleaning comments
* Fixed BB duplication on BP_Procedural_Buildings
* Fixed BB duplication on vehicles BPs
* Added pedestrians case
* Added CityObjectLabel enum on PythonAPI
* Splitted logic in small functions
* Fixed uint8_t
* Merged BB of the lights in a TL
* Splitted work into more functions
* Added missing BB and rotation to TL
* Cleaned comments
* Changed None to Any in PythonAPI
* Fixed Any enum
* Fixed rebase
* Fixing wrong BB on splines
* Fixed ISM transform to World
* Fixed duplication of RotateVector
* Added Rotation to BB output string
* Removed hidden components and procedural building
* Fixed string BB output
* Removed logs
* Fixed filter on pedestrians
* Fixed black debug lines in package
Co-authored-by: Marc Garcia Puig <marcgpuig@gmail.com>
This mode can be enabled in the API and it will keep
a velocity constant.
For now, it needs to be disable automatically but this
can be improved in the future.
* Check for determinism
* Per-vehicle random device
* Parameterised random device seed.
* Changing next waypoint selection logic
to use bucketing random device sample.
Arranging next waypoint selections right to left.
* Change to numpy's random lib
* Sorting blueprints to ensure determinism
* New method for determinism
* ResetAllTrafficLight now works in sync mode.
* Moving recorder stuff to engine module
* Fixed recorder for traffic lights in standalone mode.
* Added check to prevent traffic light from updating during replay.
* Updating old traffic lights to use the traffic light component.
* Moved recorder to posttick.
* Small fix to elapse time function.
* Added reset group function to API.
* Merge with traffic_manager/determinism_check
* Changes in TL reset
Option to save to file for recorder script
* Added automatic signal match with OpenDRIVE.
* Fixed error that caused traffic light actors to be missing in client side.
* Added new frozen behavior.
* Updated documentation and changelog
* Updated ContentVersions.txt
* Review changes.
* fixes merge error
* fixes merge
* Update build_windows.md
Added info about command execution that toke me many time to find out
* Update build_windows.md
Updated as requested in pull request review
* Running Carla when choosing a) deb Carla install
This fixes a minor error in the documentation regarding running carla, if the deb installation was choosen.
* Fix for traffic manager freezing upon map change
* attempt to change sys clock to sim clock
* Remove manual unlock of mutex
* fixing merge error
* Changelog and review fixes
Co-authored-by: Praveen Kumar <pravinblaze@hotmail.com>
Co-authored-by: bernat <bernatx@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Axel1092 <axellopez92@outlook.com>
Co-authored-by: Axel1092 <35765780+Axel1092@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Néstor Sabater <web.nsabater@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: ll7 <32880741+ll7@users.noreply.github.com>
* Added new function to calculate BBs on SKM and SM
* Added BB calculation for an array of actors
* Added BB folliage calculation
* Added a call on the GM to get all the BBs of the level
* Fixed Folliage BB calculation.
* GM::GetAllBBsOfLevel now returns the array of BBs
* Added call on the server side to retrieve the BBs
* Removed debug draw calls
* Added call to the PythonAPI
* Added check for empty folliage actors
* Added missing EOF
* Added new RotateVector function
* Added rotation to the BBs
* Update changelog
* Split BB calculation on more functions
* Add tag query and simplified Folliage actor BB calculation
* Look for ISM instead of HISM
* Cleaning comments
* Fixed BB duplication on BP_Procedural_Buildings
* Fixed BB duplication on vehicles BPs
* Added pedestrians case
* Added CityObjectLabel enum on PythonAPI
* Splitted logic in small functions
* Fixed uint8_t
* Merged BB of the lights in a TL
* Splitted work into more functions
* Added missing BB and rotation to TL
* Cleaned comments
* Added missing include
* Changed None to Any in PythonAPI
* Fixed Any enum
* Added check for empty folliage actors
* Added missing EOF
* Added new RotateVector function
* Added rotation to the BBs
* Update changelog
* Split BB calculation on more functions
* Add tag query and simplified Folliage actor BB calculation
* Look for ISM instead of HISM
* Cleaning comments
* Fixed BB duplication on BP_Procedural_Buildings
* Fixed BB duplication on vehicles BPs
* Added pedestrians case
* Added CityObjectLabel enum on PythonAPI
* Splitted logic in small functions
* Fixed uint8_t
* Merged BB of the lights in a TL
* Splitted work into more functions
* Added missing BB and rotation to TL
* Cleaned comments
* Changed None to Any in PythonAPI
* Fixed Any enum
* Fixed rebase